7- Tuesday Morning

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*Ally's POV*

Sunday night disappeared and Monday came and went like the blink of an eye and I woke up Tuesday morning with a big smile on my face.

I was up an hour earlier than usual just so I could find what I would wear tonight. Hunter had texted me last night to wear something casual for our date- dinner. I meant dinner. Why did I just call it a date...? Ugh.


Before I was doing anything this early in the morning though, I was in dire need of some caffeine. Thank god my coffee maker had a timer on it so my coffee was already made. Thank the heavens! All I need was a cup and creamer and BAM- instant human!

I padded my way into the dark kitchen and flipped on the stove light, shutting my eyes from the sudden light. I reached up into the cupboard and searched briefly before curling my hands around a coffee mug. I set it next to the coffee machine and opened one side of my nearly bare fridge. Ugh, forgot to go grocery shopping this weekend, so I had no food left. Ew.

I poured the warm liquid into the cup with some creamer and sipped it gently.

"Mmmm, just what I needed." I mumbled to myself. Now, back to business.

Finding an outfit that is casual enough for an event where you don't even know where it is, it's a little bit tough. God only knows what "casual" means in the mind of Hunter Hayes, and also what will satisfy him and not make him regret spending his money on some girl who can't dress casually. I'm seriously going out for dinner with Hunter Hayes tonight though, I'm going to be so embarrassing and awkward! This isn't good!

"Ok, Ally! Shut up, you're annoying yourself!" I quietly yelled at myself.

I took my phone from the nightstand and pulled up the weather channel. Tonight was supposed to be 76 and sunny, sheesh, it's getting cold! Oh well, this will work. Besides, it's getting closer and closer to the holidays, which is GREAT for the shop!

I made a total of three outfits in twenty minutes. The first one- a white t-shirt underneath a tan leather jacket and a pair of blue skinny jeans and black combat boots.

The second one- a grey and blue baseball tee, dark blue bootcut jeans and converse.

The third choice- a light yellow sundress with a jean jacket and white sandals.

I stood back and stared at all three laying out on the bed. Ok, now which one to pick?

Alright, too formal and too cold for a dress, so that's out. Yay. Hmm, is a leather jacket too formal? No! Leather jackets are great and Hunter looks good in them too! But he looks good in baseball tees too! Ugh, the struggle is real.

"Alright, only one way to choose." I shut my eyes and started throwing my hand left then right, reciting the "eenie meenie minee mo" thingamajig.

"You are NOT IT!" I pried one eye open, and my finger was pointing towards the baseball tee. Oh, looks like it's the leather jacket for me!

My regular alarm went off, sending me into a screaming panic and running out of the room in a crazed fashion.

"Oh my god!" I laughed as I collapsed onto the couch, trying to get air back into my lungs. "I need to get up earlier, wakes me up faster." I muttered.

I topped off my coffee and went back into the room and shut the alarm off. I pulled out my work clothes for today and set them down. Brown shirt with the logo, jeans, and today, hmm, let's do converse, boots can wait another day.

I walked into the bathroom in my room and plug in my hair straightener. I quickly straightened my long hair, then pulled it all up in a ponytail. Then I brushed my teeth.

And I was finished. Time to open shop!

I ran downstairs after locking up the apartment. With one flip of a switch, the dining area and kitchen area lit up. Yay! I went back into my office area and switched on the radio, which was tuned to the best country station I've ever listened to: the Highway, a Sirius XM channel. I made sure all the correct settings were turned on for it to play throughout the shop, and, like always, it was working properly.

Next order of business, I went to the huge coffee machines and filled them with coffee and water, then let them brew away while I got some of the pastries out. There wasn't a whole lot of food, because frankly, I didn't have the time to make all of these. I was the only one running this establishment, besides the help I got from my friends a few times a month, so cooking, cleaning, and overall running this shop was a tassel.

Chocolate and glazed donuts, chocolate Danishes, and croissants were the big items on the list, but muffins, and fruits were also on the list. Overall, everyone seemed happy with the choices, and when the holidays came in, I usually order the big treats like peppermint flavored coffee or pumpkin spice, which should be soon. The holidays are always so great for the shop.

I spent the next hour tidying up and setting tables, booths, the cash register, and coffee machines up and soon it was time to open. Seven a.m. on the dot! Perfect!

I walked over to the door and unlocked it, then returned to behind the counter to begin my long day.

*Hunter's POV*

After a lazy day yesterday, I woke up this morning with a big smile. I would be taking Ally out to dinner, and I was stoked! I really think she will love where we're going!

"Hunter, ready to go?" Steve called.

I grabbed my jacket and phone from the table and met the others at the front door.

We had a meeting with management to go over what was happening on the Let's Be Crazy Tour. Afterwards, we were going to visit the set for the first time!!! I made sure all of the FTLOM cameras were ready to go, and made sure Nitro had them taken care of because this was definitely a big moment that would be amazing for FTLOM! And I'm sure the fans would be dying to see it!

I jumped into the drivers seat of my Range Rover as Steve sat in the passenger seat and Sam in the back seat.

We made small chatter on the ride there and into the building.

"Hey there Mr. Superstar!" Betsy said when we walked into the room.

"Hey Betsy." I took my seat next to her.

"This won't take long, just a few things we need to go over because I know you're itching to see the set."

"Alright, so the final venue has cleared with us this morning! The trucks are getting ready and they will have them at the warehouse the week before show time. All we have left to do is rehearse and work out any kinks in the programming and viola- we have a brilliant show!" She exclaimed, throwing her hands up.

We all laughed at her gesture. "So when is the first rehearsal? Is it still the two weeks away?" I asked quickly.

"Two weeks, on Friday, bright and early at eight a.m.!" Betsy piped, fingering through a stack of papers on the desk. "Enjoy your time off boys, go take a trip someplace nice. We don't have to have another meeting until that day, so y'all can disappear for a little. Hunter, I need you to heal that hand up ASAP or this tour is going to hurt a bit. All of you take it easy and be safe." She stood from her seat. "I will see you boys in a few weeks!"

"See you soon Betsy. Make sure you go somewhere nice too!" Steve said as we stood outside the conference door.

She smiled. "Mmm, I think I might just head over to Japan again."

"Sounds good! Take care, Betsy."

"I'll see y'all in a few weeks! Now stop stalling and go see the set!" She quickly shut the door in our faces and we began to laugh a little.

"Alrighty then! Let's go check out the set!" Andy said, then he added, "Because I've got a hot date tonight with Mel!"

Matt made some kind of cat call after him and we laughed again. I smiled a bit, thinking about the night I was gonna have with Ally. I couldn't wait.

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