5- Love Problems

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*Ally's POV*

Hunter and I pulled apart, and my face became very warm. I turned away awkwardly and messed with my bracelets on my wrist, a definite sign that I was nervous.

"I'm sorry, that was uncalled for." He muttered.

"No, no. It's ok." Oh Ally, it is not ok! You just kissed your idol! That is scarily awesome!

Hunters phone started ringing from his pocket. He flipped it out and slowly answered it, with a sigh.

"What Sam?" Hunter looked over at me and rolled his eyes. "Fine Sam, yeah I'll be there. Bye." I watched Hunter end the call and then turn off his phone completely. He turned back to me and shook his head. "He's nuts."

"He's watching out for you though." I stated and Hunter nodded.

"He told me to be at his place in ten minutes. I guess I better go."

I nodded. "Yeah, I'm gonna have to get to my parents house at some point." I looked into his crystal blue eyes. "Thanks for a great weekend, it was very cool."

Hunter swallowed and took a step towards me. "Listen Ally, I know this is crazy, and I know we just met, but would you want to get dinner sometime soon?"

Holy crap...

*Hunter's POV*

I mustered up this courage to ask her, now I just needed an answer. Ally stood in front of me, and she looked frozen. It was actually quite adorable. She stayed in that position for a while until I finally reached out and touched her arm.

She jumped from the touch and smiled. "Yeah-yes! I would like to!"

I let out a big breath I had been holding in. "So, what days do you not work or when do you have a few free hours?"

"Whenever after three! Well except Friday...the shop is open all day then."

"Alright, how about Tuesday at five?"

She smiled. "Sounds great!"

"Alright..." I muttered. I really have to go. I don't want to though.

Ally broke away and piled all her papers up in a neat stack and grabbed her phone, stuffing it in her bag. Then she turned to me as she threw the bag over her shoulder.

"So I'll see you on Tuesday." She said as we left the building and walked out onto the little driveway behind.

"Yep." She climbed up into her truck, waiting patiently for me to pull out. I quickly jumped into my Range Rover, and with a final wave towards her, I drove off in the direction of Sam and Steve's place.

By the time I got there, I could see Sam standing out on the sidewalk with Steve behind him. I slid out and leaned against the car door. Sam approached me quickly.

"Hey Sam." I muttered.

"Hunter, are you ok?" Sam asked as him and Steve started to grab my things from the trunk.

"Yeah I'm fine. It's not like she even mattered to me anyway." I choked out, forcing the ball of tears away.

I felt Sam put his hand on my shoulder. I turned to him and he motioned to go up to their place.

I swung my backpack onto my back and grabbed my guitar, then closed the trunk.

We walked up the two flights of stairs to their apartment, the one I used to live in before I moved in with Heather.

*Ally's POV*

I pulled my truck to a stop in my parents driveway. Brandy's Edge was sitting in the drive beside mine.

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