4- Good Morning

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*Hunter's POV*

My eyes shot open, streams of sunlight splattering in the room. One more day done, and today, I felt a lot better than I had the past few days. I don't know why though.

I slowly sat up in the bed. I glanced at the clock on the nightstand. It read 9:32 in bright red and my phone sat right next to it. I grabbed it and hit the home button with tons of notifications. I scrolled down the notifications; altogether there were 20 texts from Sam, Carrie, Dann, even Matt and Devo texted me, but forget that, I am NOT reading those now. I shoved the phone in my own sweatpants, thankfully I grabbed this pair last night before I went to bed.

I walked out of the bedroom and out to the kitchen. The room smelled of coffee and breakfast. Ally was there, sitting down at the bar, furiously scribbling her pen across one of the many papers she had scattered in front of her.

"Good morning." She said.


She set her pen down and looked up with a smile. "There's coffee over there and creamer is in the fridge. I made pancakes and eggs and biscuits. I didn't know if you were hungry or not."

"Oh it smells so good! Thanks!" She had already set out a coffee cup and a plate so all I had to do was make it. I sat down with my coffee and plate of food.

Ally was mumbling to herself while still looking at the papers. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail and a pair of black glasses with zebra stripes on them sat on her nose. I didn't even know she wore glasses.

"Quit staring, it's creepy."

I looked down quickly. "Sorry."

She let out a laugh. "I was joking."

"Oh." Her and I laughed. I love her laugh. Just saying.

"So," she clicked the end of her pen and put it down. "You seem a lot better I guess."

I nodded. "Yeah, a lot better than before. I think I'm gonna be ok."

A big smile spread across her face. "That makes me feel better too."


"So how long have you been a fan?"

She seemed taken aback by my question. "Oh uhm, like two and a half years..." She shied away looking back to her papers.

"Wow... That's insane."

"Uhm, yeah, that's the least of it." She laughed.

I sat up and leaned towards her. "Oh is it now? What else is there?"

"Nothing you need to know." She paused. "But hey, random but not, when are you ever going to use your Instagram?"


"Your Instagram page is empty, dude, and I think you could easily fix that!" She clicked on her phone screen and showed it to me. I looked at the Instagram screen that had my name at the top. No posts were shown on the empty screen.

"Maybe I should start soon!" She beamed. "Hey, can I see your phone?" I asked.

"Why?" Ally asked but still handed her phone to me.

"Come here. Get in the picture." I hit the camera button.

"What are you doing?" She moved from her seat behind me, a smile appearing on her face and mine. "Ooh."

I pressed the camera button and took the picture. "Look our first picture!" I then looked at her. "Hopefully not our last?" A bigger smile appeared on her face as her cheeks got a little red.

I started typing a caption for the photo of us, which really looked cute if I say so myself.

"What are you typing... Nothing embarrassing please!"

"Don't worry I didn't!" I gave her back the phone.

Her eyes darted across the screen as she read it. A smile spread across both our faces.

*Ally's POV*

Hunter gave me the phone back. I quickly began reading the caption.

"Just met this amazing guy @HunterHayes! AHHH! This is so awesome! I'm going to continue to fangirl but don't forget tomorrow is FTLOM!"

I looked up to see Hunter smiling big. I couldn't help but smile too and laugh at his fangirl typing.

"Nice fangirl mode, I give you a four." I said.

"Only a four?!?!" He exclaimed.

"Yeah, you need lots of practice." He shook his head.

I looked at the photo of us. It really is adorable. Both of us were smiling so big it was impossible to see the pain in either of us. How that was possible, I have no idea. I guess we both just know how to deal with this and it just worked out that way.

"You know, at the start of the weekend I thought I was going to hate it, but now, I'm really enjoying this weekend." Hunter said.

I glanced up at him. "Really?"


"Well I really liked this weekend too." I mumbled.

But after this weekend, then what? We just go our separate ways and forget all about this? I knew that would be impossible for me, but I knew Hunter would forget all about me. He has thousands of fans he sees on a regular basis; what's one of out of thousands? Oh well, at least I got to meet him! That's a lot better than most fans can do.

A thought struck my mind. I jumped out of my seat and ran to my bag, pulling out the envelope I carried everywhere. I quickly ran back and handed it to Hunter.

"I uhm- this is for you. I always told myself that if I ever met you, I would give this to you, to say thank you for everything you've done. You uhm, you've helped so many Hayniacs that I've become amazing friends with and you helped me."

He took the letter graciously and gave it a few turns over. "Can I read it now?" With a nod of my head, he tore the envelope open and began reading.

I knew it was personal. I rewrote that letter at least once a week, trying to make it as well written but not as personal. It was no use, whatever I had put on paper, it all came out personal. The letter consists of different events that Hunter and his music helped me get through. The most recent, only five months ago. Hunters small act of defense saved my life. I still wonder if he remembers-

I was cut off by Hunter hugging me tightly. After a few seconds he mumbled something in my hair.


"I remember what happened."

I stepped away. "You do?"

"How could I forget? Do you know how horrible is was to watch you get hit?"

I looked away. "You have no idea."

"I just wished I could've stopped it from happening. I wish I could have stopped everything you went through afterwards. It hurts me to think that you had to go through that."

"And that's why I had to help you. I didn't let anyone in for three months, and it was the hardest three months of my life. I can't watch you go through that Hunter. You're the reason I started letting my family back into my life."

He tightened his arms around me again, and it felt amazing, it felt safe. I had finally let out everything I had been holding back for these five months. Although I still had to let go, I was and had been doing better. But now, it felt like I had forgotten all about him.

I looked at up Hunter and his eyes were twinkling. He smiled and slowly leaned in, and so did I. After a few heart pounding seconds, our lips touched and sparks flew.

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