23- After-Show

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*Hunters POV*

"I can't believe last night actually happened. That was amazing." I looked down at Ally, who was laying across the couch with her head in my lap.

"You sounded great last night and you're going to sound amazing tonight."

She smiled. "I can't wait!" I leaned down and kissed her lightly. "Mmm, I'm gonna miss kissing you."

"Yeah, me too." My heart dropped a little.

"Hey," she reached up and cupped my cheek in hers. "It's only a little while. Besides, I'll see you in Louisiana before you know it!"

"I cannot wait for you to come down there. My mom is really excited and I think my dad is although I haven't really talked to him."

"Well I'm excited." She picked up her phone and focused her attention on it. I watched her green eyes flick back and forth, reading the screen. Then she laughed.


"Read this," she turned it around so the screen faced me.


I let out a laugh myself and returned the phone to her hand. "Your sister is crazy."

"That's just how she is. You gotta live with it."

"Haha," I peered down at her again, "have you ever thought about a record deal or making music for a living?"

"Well, I've lived in Nashville all my life so of course I've thought about it. But I don't think I could give this place up so easily."

"Just think about it." I peered down at my watch. "I need to go change and get ready for soundcheck. Are the girls on the way yet?"

"Almost here." She mumbled, sitting up on the couch.

We split at our rooms to get ready for the night ahead; I had soundcheck while Ally would be setting up for CHE then the concert. Afterwards, we head for Muncie, Indiana!

*Ally's POV*

I stared out into the insane Nashville crowd at the show, cheering their hearts out because of us standing on this stage.

As we began the song, I zoned in on making this memory last and what Hunter and I talked about this morning. Could I even have a chance at a record deal? I've written songs before, but I have a business already, I can't handle a record deal on top of that. Besides, if for some reason I suddenly got big in the industry, I wouldn't even be there to take care of the shop. That would be totally pointless to keep the shop.

No. I would never sell my shop. Not happening.

I pushed away the thoughts with the song. Hunter drew towards me and extended his hand to mine. I quickly grabbed it and he spun me around in his arms. The pale-coral-colored dress poofed out around my waist and fell flat as I stopped spinning.

"THANK YOU SO MUCH, NASHVILLE!" I yelled into the microphone happily.

"Ladies and gents, the wonderful Ally Stevens!" I bowed as he gestured to me. I hugged Hunter and he kissed my cheek before the lights dimmed to nothing. I then felt his lips of mine for a brief second.

"Rock on!" I whispered and ran off stage.

A backstage personnel said something into her headset before pushing the microphone away from her mouth. "Miss Stevens- there is someone waiting for you in your personal dressing room."

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