24- Fans & Calls

772 31 5

*Ally's POV*

Just one more day until a break.

So apparently if you start dating a country singer, your shop immediately gets swarmed with a LOT of people. Most of them were younger girls and it felt like hours before they would finally leave the building, but quite a few were older women or men who stopped by to praise my performance at the Nashville shows.

That Monday after, I was in the For the Love of Music episode which recapped their band rehearsals the days prior and also almost the full duets between Hunter and I. I had left Hunter a whole string of cheerful text messages after watching it, knowing he wouldn't get to see them until later that night after his show in Muncie.

Now, almost three weeks after the shows, the seemingly endless stream of people finally dwindled back down to normal, but I still got a constant spam of Hayniacs. Gladly, I answered their questions (or at least most of them) and signed things and took pictures with them, and almost all of them we're complete sweethearts with the exception of one or two. It was like having my own 'Coffee House Experience.' I would sit down with them if I didn't have any other customers and we would all talk to one another.

I took my key and unlocked the front door, flipping the sign to 'Open.' I quickly peered across the block, caddy corner to the shop, noticing a sign on the vacant building across from me reading 'SOLD' in bold, red letters. There were a bustle of people moving boxes of things in the front door. Finally something was happening to that building. It was too pretty and too cheap to just sit vacant there.

"Hey, someone finally bought that place." I said to myself. I did my daily routine to get the shop up and running and the smell of coffee began to float around the large room.

The next two hours were the normal people going to work or the regulars I usually got on Saturdays or any day of the week.

Around noon, a group of girls came in. A few I had recognized as I had met them already in the past few weeks but two I didn't know.

"Hey, welcome back!" I smiled at the girls who approached the register.

"Hi, Ally!"

"The regular orders?" I asked the three who had visited before. The trio nodded, paid, and found a table to fit all five of them. The other two stepped forward. "And how can I help you ladies?"

"You can help us if you stop using Hunter."

I looked up from the register at them. "Huh?"

"You heard us. Back off."

"Quit using him for your benefit, you attention-seeking bitch."

"Girls, I really don't appreciate y'all coming into my shop and harassing me-"

"Back off of Hunter! Everyone knows you're just using him to get more publicity on your business." The taller of the two exclaimed. The three girls sitting down looked over at us with surprised faces.

"Ladies, I'm gonna have to ask you to leave. I have customers to take care of." I said calmly, turning away from the rude girls.

"Customers you're snagging off of Hunter!" The tall girl said again.

I tightened my fist in a little ball, forcing the anger building inside of me away as I faced the two. "What do y'all have against me? I'm not using him for publicity."

"We want you to stay away from him!"

"Alright, you two need to leave!" Paige, one of the girls watching, exclaimed as she stood from her seat. "Ally is an amazing girl and is great for Hunter and you have nothing to say against her. She has done no wrong towards you and you're both being very disrespectful, so you need to leave before I call the police on you and report you for harassment!"

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