1- Walls & Woes

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Hunter's Point of View

I couldn't believe this. I thought we were okay. I thought she was happy. I thought she loved me. But I guess I gave my heart to someone who didn't reciprocate those feelings. And damn, did it hurt to learn that truth. It hurt to walk into our shared apartment a day early to surprise her only to find her in our bed with another man on top of her.

I loved her. She was the girl I had been crushing on since I moved to Nashville, the girl I wrote songs about, the girl I cared about most. She was my every thought for months and my girlfriend for a year, but now it was over in a heartbeat. She had long since moved on, and I was too stupid to realize it. She didn't love me anymore.

I stormed out of our place as she followed me to the front door, only the blue bedsheet covering her body. She tried to convince me that it was nothing, but I rushed out of the door so fast she never would have gotten the chance. My mind wandered desperately, begging God for her to leave my memory and I found myself walking in a part of Nashville I'd never been before.

The weather matched my emotions: cloudy, gloomy, and threatening to spill at any second. I kept my head down as I walked down the sidewalk, trying to keep my emotions in check. I quickly regretted walking, however, driving in this state of mind could've proven more fatal. As I neared the next street in my path, a familiar tune caught my ear. It was very faint, but how could I not recognize my own song? I looked around before my eyes landed on a little coffee shop across the street. The name in big letters spelled Coffee & Country and the logo next to it was a coffee cup with a cowboy hat on top of it. I crossed the street and stood in front of the glass window, peeking inside.

A girl with shoulder length light brown hair stood inside, swaying back and forth to the beat while sweeping a broom across the wood floor. Over the music of 'I Want Crazy,' my very own single, the girl's voice shone through. A smile I didn't think could appear somehow showed up on my face at her voice.

Standing outside the window any longer was going to look strange, so I made my way into the shop, the smell of pastries and coffee making my tastebuds water. I sat myself at a table and watched her sweep the pile of dirt into a dust pan and then the trash can just as 'Crazy' ended and a Kenny Chesney song came on. She disappeared behind the counter with the broom. I guess she didn't see me.

I looked around the shop. The walls were brown with dozens of photos of Nashville and country stars evenly placed on the walls. I caught sight of one not too far away. It was from the Blown Away Tour I did last fall with Carrie Underwood. Her and I were singing her song 'Leave Love Alone' together and I seriously had a blast the whole tour. 

The booths along the wall across me were brown with black cushions, and were able to hold four people while three small booths against the window at the front of the shop could only hold two people. Tables scattered around the light colored wood floor. The tables were dark wood and had little decorations on them. Some had cowboy hats, cowboy boots, or small cowboy/cowgirl figurines. I picked up a menu from the center of my table, reading off some of the items. This place was a perfect little coffee shop. There were 'pastries, coffee, and plenty of country' as the menu stated at the top.

My phone buzzed against the chair bottom. I pulled it out of my back pocket, then wished I hadn't. I had fifteen texts in the past twenty minutes from her. I didn't dare open them. A wave of emotion fled through me and I slammed the phone against the table, nonetheless shattering its screen. Tears began streaming openly down my cheeks as a few sobs escaped my throat.

"Oh my gosh, sir, I am so sorry! I did not hear you come in-" I looked up at the girl standing only a few feet away. She let out a small breath and sat down across from me. "Oh hi, Hunter. Are you alright?"

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