Chapter 13

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The Next day, Emily sat on one of the plastic chairs in the waiting hall as she waited patiently for her brothers in the airport. She was sitting on her hands and bouncing slightly on them with a tight smile on her face as she looked around to any signs of her brothers.

"Excited are we?" A voice came from behind.

"Mm!" she hummed in response.

"They should come up soon." Arthur said as he sat down beside her as he glanced at his wrist watch.

Emily kept bouncing excitedly in her seat that made some of her bangs slide loose from the star pin.

Arthur brought his hands up to remove the star pin and bit the edge of it as he pushed some long curly locks behind her ear and gathered the bangs on her eye and pinned them aside neatly and moved back to his chair. Emily didn't mind him fixing her hair for her for she was busy looking around, he thanked him and return to observe her surroundings. Arthur sat back and crossed his legs as he read a pocket book, pushing his reading glasses up his nose.

After a short while, a crowd of people came in with their luggage. Arthur jumped when Emily suddenly stood up, knocking the book from his hand to fall on his lap. Emily narrowed her eyes in the crowd only to see a familiar cowlick wagging in the air. As the crowd became thinner, she finally saw who she was waiting for.

"Alfred! Matthew!" she called out, waving her arm in the air to their direction.

The twins looked up, hearing their names being called "Emily!" they said in unison as Emily ran up to them, giving them both a tight hug, which they returned instantly.

"I missed you two!"

"We missed you too Emily, Alfred here didn't sleep at all because he's itching to see you."

"Shut up Mattie," Alfred pouted and Emily giggled rubbing her head on Alfred's shoulder.

Matthew rolled his eyes and picked up his luggage with Kumajiro on his side.

"So, how are you?" Alfred asked as he inspected her face, arms, legs, etc. for bruises, he even checked her forehead if she's running a fever. Emily giggled and took his hand softly from her forehead and held it between her own, "I'm perfectly fine Alfred"

Alfred huffed and straightened up and placed his hands on his hips. "So, who did you came with today? Did you came alone? I'm sorry I didn't texted you." Matthew asked softly.

"Nah its cool Mattie. Arthur came with me anyways,"

"Ah right, ofcourse."


"Too bad, we were planning on surprising you, oh the way, where is he?" Matthew said as he looked around.

"He was here a minute ago..." Emily said as she peered behind Alfred thinking that he was there.

"Ah, Arthur! There you are!" Matthew called out over Emily, seeing the blonde a few feet away.

"Hi Matthew." He greeted. Matthew hugged him and pulled back quickly.

"How are you?" he asked.

"I'm fine Matthew, thank you." Arthur smiled.

Arthur glanced at Alfred and caught his eyes, they locked eyes for a while and it was getting a bit awkward "Hi Alfred." he finally greeted the other blonde.

"Hey..." Alfred greeted back with a nod.

The tension and slight awkwardness in the air grew in the silence so Emily broke it first "Hey why don't we go home? I'm sure you guys are tired from your flight, jetlagged or somethin..."

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