Chapter 1

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"Alfred,your late for the meeting again!" Arthur yelled looking at the american over the table.

"So what? Meetings are boring,a Hero like me wants-"
"I don't care. Sit Down so we can start the meeting you Git!" Arthur interrupted and sat down on his chair.

Alfred pouted and sat down with a grunt. During the meeting,Alfred didn't pay much attention to Ludwig nor Arthur's announcements and reports even though Arthur kicks Alfred's leg most of the time under the table while Alfred just rolled his blue eyes behind his glasses.

When the meeting was over,Arthur was the last one to leave,he combed his hair with his hand and gathered his things from the table and began to walk towards the door. He noticed someone was leaning against the doorframe,It was Alfred,wearing his usual Bomber jacket. Alfred's eyes flew to Arthur when he saw him coming.

"Yo,artie!" He said with a grin.

"Its Arthur not artie you git" Arthur said with a sigh.

"Anyway,what do you want with me?" Arthur said looking away.

" I have a small favor to ask of you" Alfred said.

"Hm?" Arthur said with one eye closed and the other looking at him.

"You know I have a buisness trip with my brother,Matthew,right?
I dont want to attend those kinds of stuff, so could you-"

"Lemme want me to attend that buisness trip instead of you,right?" Arthur said finishing Alfred's line.

"Yup exactly!" Alfred said grinning widely.

Arthur placed his hand on his forehead "Alfred,you know Im busy."

"Please,Arthur,Please. Just this once, please." Alfred pleaded.

"You said that last time" Arthur said looking annoyed.

Alfred went silent and pouted he knew Arthur wont agree. Finally Arthur took a deep breath and said "Fine"


"I said 'Fine',Ill do it" Arthur said.

"Really? Wow! Thanks Artie! Your the best!" Alfred exclaimed and hugged Arthur before he ran away.

Arthur stood there watching Alfred run as he disappear in the hallways.

Arthur sighed and said "That brat,He's still a kid" Arthur shooked his head and left.

As Arthur was walking outside thinking about his work and schedules next week, he accidentally crashed into a Girl.

"Im sorry,ma'am. Are you alright?" He said holding out his hand to the girl, but he froze when he saw her face.

"Nah im fine dude,dont worry." The girl took Arthur's hand and he helped her get up "Its my fault, I wasn't lookin where I was running" she said as she patted her hand on his shoulder "Sorry bout that, My name is Emily, Emily F. Jones, what's yours?" She held out her hand for him to shake.

"My name is Arthur, Arthur Kirkland,Its a pleasure to meet you Miss Emily" he said as he took her hand and kissed it lightly.

Arthur felt something hit his head. It was a bat, Emily hit his head lightly and said "Dude,no need to be too formal ya know,just be cool." She said with her other hand on her waist.

"Well,better get going. Im looking for someone, nice meeting ya british dude, smell ya later!" She said as she dashed off.

Arthur froze from where he stood, with his hand holding the part of his head where she hit him. He hated it when someone hit his head even if its light or not. But he cant stop thinking about her face; she had light curly blonde hair. Her curly locks sat on her shoulders, She had clear Blue eyes pretty much like Alfred's.

She wore a bomber jacket and a mini skirt...

Arthur snapped out of his thoughts amd realized he was blushing,wait...why would he blush when he just met the girl and Its not like he liked her already right?

" head hurts" he said as he walked away.

But he didnt notice someone was watching them.

The Gentleman and the Heroine [UKxFem!US] Completed!Where stories live. Discover now