Chapter 2

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//In Alfred's House//

Later that evening, The Twins, Matthew and Alfred, was playing video games in their room.

There are two beds in the room. One has blue sheets and an America flag pillow and the other had red sheets and Canada flag pillow.

They both wore identical PJ's but unlike Alfred's straight blonde hair and his cowlick,Matthew's hair was lighter blonde and a bit curly and has a long curly hair curl dangling on his head. Their eyes are also different. Alfred had Blue eyes behind his rectangular glasses while Matthew has Violet eyes behind his round glasses. They sat on the floor laying on their stomache with their Bean bags. And a bag of chips sat between them.

"Durufuu! I won again!" Alfred exclaimed punching his fist in the air.

"Tsk, No cheated" Matthew said looking at his brother.

"No I didnt, A Hero like me dont cheat!" Alfred said digging his hand in the bag and grasping a fistfull of chips.

"Fufu ,you already mastered this game" Matthew said sitting up.

"Let's try this one, I bought this while I was still in Canada." Matthew said pulling out a Video game from his drawer.

"Alrighty then, But wait, I thought you dont like video games" Alfred said munching the chips.

"Im not a gamer like you but I do play sometimes..." Matthew said setting the game.

"Plus I want to discuss something with you" he said sitting back down on his bean bag.

"Hm? What is it Mattie? If it is about the buisness trip then Ill pass, I talked to Arthur and he agreed to go with you instead"


"Yup ya heard me, I have no interest in attending there" Alfred said starting the game.

"Geeze,Alfred..." matthew sighed.

"What? Atleast Ill be spending time with Emily right?"

"Hmph, I wont ask why" Matthew said looking away.

"Hey,whats with that face?" Alfred said poking Matthew on the shoulders.

"Its obviously she likes you more than me. I mean, look at her, she got everything from you. Face,attitude,likes and dislikes. Its like she's your counter part" Matthew said pouting.

"Hey,hey dont be like that. Were twins remember? So that means she got her cute face from us" Alfred said Smiling at his brother

"No, she got her cute face and hair from me" Matthew said with a Smirk.

"Whaa? Ill agree with the hair but the face? No way,she got that from me,Im the cute Hero afterall" Alfred said looking at the flat screen, his fingers pressing the buttons on the controller.

"Oh c'mon! She got your attitude,your likes,she even eats like you,you know. She even wears the same bomber jacket like you. She Idolizes you! while she got nothing from me except her curly hair and cute face...!" Matthew said with a frown while looking at the screen and pressing the buttons rapidly on the controller.

"Fuu~ fine,fine whatever" Alfred pouted.

Matthew giggled and continued the game. Alfred was eating chips with one hand in the bag and the other on the controller.

"I miss living back in Canada" Matthew finally said with a sigh.

"Its the same in America,dude"

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