Chapter 15

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The smoke rises in the air and it became difficult for me to breathe, the smell of smoke, rain, and blood is mixed up in the air. My lungs feels like it going to burst. I can't move my body, my bones feels like it's crushed and my head is pounding in my skull. The rain drips against my skin yet I do not feel my body. What happened? It all happened too quickly...


//Flash back//

They both got up and exited the Carnival after lunch. Emily was laughing with Arthur as they talked about the fun rides they rode on.

"You shoulda seen your face when we rode the roller coasters! So scared!" Emily teased as she giggled.

"Oh? Who was the one who was clinging on my arm while walking through the horror house? I bet you should have seen her pale white face." Arthur deadpans, Emily blushed of embarrassment and smacked his shoulder, "shut up!" She hissed while Arthur barked out a laugh that sounded music in her ears, Emily pouted and looked away from the Brit. Arthur patted her head as they reached the parking lot and opened the door for her. He circled around the car when she got in, still pouting. Arthur turned on the engine and started to drive out of the parking lot. "Oh, c'mon Ems, I was just joking!" Arthur said between giggles.

"Whatever!" Emily pouted.

"You're cute when your mad." Arthur said as he patted her head. Emily rolled her eyes, knowing her, she couldn't stay angry at Arthur- her secret crush.
Arthur placed his hand above her's while his other hand on the wheel, he would occasionally remove it to turn the wheel but returns it afterwards. The rain began to pour while they sat in silence, Emily's face was burning while Arthur's cheeks turned pink every time Emily squeezed his hand back. Comfortable silence.



"Do you like someone?"

"Yeah, I do."


"Do you?"


"Oh, she must be very lucky then." There's a hint of jealousy in her voice.

"She is. And, I'm sure the one you like is very lucky too."

"Mhm..." Emily nodded.

They both fell into silence one again, the sounds of rain drops against the windshield can only be heard. Both oblivious to one another's feelings. Arthur decided that he should tell Emily once and for all how he feels. He opens his mouth to say.

"Emily I-"

"Arthur, that truck driving ahead is not stopping or slowing down." Emily pointed.

"What?" Arthur looked up ahead and saw a truck driving full speed at them. "Shit!"

"Arthur watch out, we're going to hit it!" Emily exclaimed when she saw the truck sway from left to right, as if out of control.

Arthur tried to turn the car but it's too late, "Arthur!!!" before he could even turn it, the car collided with the truck with a loud 'Crash!!!', sending it flying and bouncing over until it layed upside down.

//Present time//

I cracked my eyes open only to see the road upside down, I groaned noticing blood gushing from a wound on my head, my head is pounding and the windshield was cracked, some of it's shards are pierced through my skin. I dare not mind the pain when I turned my head to see Emily, upside down, unconscious, blood drips from her head, having only a few cuts and bruises on her face and arms, I opened my mouth to speak, my throat is dry and hoarse words came out, "Emily..." I said as I nudges her shoulder, no movement, my heart raced as I pressed my wounded hand on her neck for a pulse. She's alive. Thank God. I was snapped back from my daze when I smell the familiar smell of gasoline. I turned and saw the said liquid pouring out from the containers from the truck, turns out that the truck was carrying them. "Shit!" I cursed loudly as I unbuckled my seat belt and stumbled upside down, I kicked the door open and went out. I noticed a shard was pierced through my leg causing me to lose balance and pain is like a bloody bitch. But I didn't care. My main concern here is to get Emily away as soon as possible. I ran into her side of the car and kicked the glass until it broke and opened the door. "Emily!" I shouted as my fingers fumbled with her safety belt, looks like she's stuck. No, I won't leave her! I glanced at the shard on my leg before deciding to pull it out causing me to wince and hiss at the sudden pain. I cut through the leather successfully and pulled her out. Particularly dragging her away followed by a trail of blood, partially belongs to me due to the fact of my open wounds. I heard a hissing sound from behind, I looked back and my eyes widened in horror, I pushed Emily hard away from me with all my might before the last second ticked.


I remembered the flame crawling up to the truck.

I remembered the explosion.

I remembered the sight of the flames roaring towards my face.

I remembered the heat.

I remembered the pain.

I remembered the smell of blood, smoke and rain in the air.

I remembered the glimpse of Emily's unconscious body away from me before I fell into the hard, wet, pavement.

I remembered the sight of my own blood.

I remembered the sound of the fire crackling.

I remember....the face of the girl I love.

I remem...ber...the sound of faint sirens... before my vision blurred completely... and... darkness swallowing my whole being...

The Gentleman and the Heroine [UKxFem!US] Completed!Where stories live. Discover now