Chapter 18

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Alfred knocked on the Brit's door three times before receiving a muffled 'come in' from the other side. Slowly, he pushed the door open and went in, seeing the Brit sitting up, his back leaned back against his pillow on the headrest, head turned to his direction made him feel uneasy.




"Alfred, I know it's you."

"How'd you know?"

Arthur smiled, "I know your knock of patterns in my room, it hasn't quite changed up until now."

"You know me too much."

"How could I not?" Arthur silently gestured him to cone and sit down.

Alfred walked in and remained standing beside the chair Emily sat on earlier.

"So, do you need something from me?"

"No. I just want to talk."

"About what?"


"What about her?"

"You know my sister has a crush on you, and she feels you feel the same. I don't want her to get the wrong idea. If you're only doing this because I asked you to protect and keep her happy then stop it. I don't want her getting hurt."

"I'm not lying Alfred. And I'm not forcing myself, I love your sister Alfred. And I'm not doing this because I'm forcing myself, I'm doing this because I want  to, I protect those who are preciouse to me Alfred. You should know that by now."

"Didn't I tell you before to not bring up the past?

"You know I can't forget and let it go that easily, Alfred."



"Why won't you let it go? I'm not your blood brother yet why do you care so much? You give us all your not even paying attention on your health and body. Why do you keep doing this?!" Alfred snapped.

Arthur pressed his lips together and looked down. "Its true your not my brother, we differ by blood and I'm just merely your ex-guardian." Arthur spoke softly, "my family may have everything, fame, riches, name it. Yet we do not have this type of bond, ever since I was young, my older brothers were never good to me, bullying me....leaving me. My parents are often away, not giving a damn about us, we only grew up in the care of nannies who are bloody cruel. My brothers are away, not giving me even a glance when we eat supper. All I wanted is to feel loved and have some brother-bonding with my older brothers, which I never obtained." He clenched the sheets while Alfred stared at him wide-eyed, Arthur never talked about his family or his older brothers.

"When I first met you with your mom, a thought came to me, I told myself that I at least wanted to give you the thing I've always wanted. An older brother."

Arthur looked up with a sad smile, "things went well until you decided to become independent."

"Its normal for people to become independent one day, Arthur. I'm not a child that you need to look after anymore,"

"Oh. I know, and I know that children would soon grow and live on their own one day, I just didn't expect it to happen on your 18th birthday."

"That was years ago, Art."

"I know...." Alfred finally gave in and sat down on the bed, pulling Arthur into a tight hug.

Arthur's sounds stung from the crushing hug but he paid them no mind and hugged back, it was years ago since the last time he hugged his brother like this.

"I missed you, Al."

"Missed you too Art." Alfred muttered as he released from the hug. "Sorry, your wounds..."

"I'm alright Alfred, don't cry."

"I-I'm not crying!"

"Nonsense, I know you more than you do, you cry whenever you see me with wounds." Arthur pointed.

"Shut up, this is different."

Arthur shrugged and looked down.

After a few minutes of silence, Alfred broke it.

"Do you men it?"

"The what?"

"'Bout Emily of course."

"Ah, yes. I really do Iove her Alfred, you too, you both are very important to me." Arthur smiled.

"Back to 'dear big brother'?"

Arthur smiled.

"Arthur, you need to let it go."


"You can't lobe Emily fully if you still hold the past, our past lives."

"Alfred you know I can't–"

"Please Arthur, for Emily. You need to let it go."

Arthur looked down with a frown.

"I know it's hard, you can't love two at the same time, you know that."


"I know you won't agree, but that's why I came here myself to tell it to you."


"Give it a thought?"

Arthur nodded slowly, Alfred smiled and stood up.

Arthur heard rusting of plastic bags and cartons.

"Al? What are you doing?"

"As thanks for you taking care of me when I was a kid. And taking care of ny sweet Emily. Let me return the favor of feeding you." Alfred grinned.

"Really, I can feed myself Al."

"Oh quiet you, you can't see anymore, how will you know where the noodle is?" Alfred poked the fork with noodles on the side of Arthur's mouth.

"Oh, do shut up you git." Arthur sighed with a grin as he opened his mouth and Alfred putting in the fork with fried noodles in his mouth.

The two talked normally as Alfred fed Arthur.

"Does it hurt?"

"Hm? Oh, this? Well...not really. It just stings a bit but it's bearable."


"Your like your sister, she also asked the same thing earlier."

"Shut up."


Meanwhile Francis stood outside the room with Matthew, smiling brightly at the duo.

"I'm glad they finally made up, no, Papa?"

Francis nodded and patted the Canadian's head.

"Oui..." Francis smiled and closed the door gently. Yet he still feels that something is wrong. Like, something's coming up. Francis saw movement on the side of his eye, Francis looked up at the corner wall seeing no one there.

"Something wrong Papa?" 

"Huh? Oh, no, nothing Mattie....I just zhought I saw someone..." Francis looked up at the corner again, Matthew following suit.

"Must be my imagination..."

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