Chapter 17

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After a few hours, the Brit calmed down and fell asleep. The twins slipped out the room to give to the Brit some rest while Francis stayed behind to keep an eye on him in case if he ever freaks out again, the nurse said Emily is awake now so they decided to go and see the blonde.

Alfred entered this room only to find the blonde sitting criss crossed on the bed, "hiya!" She greeted. Before she knew it, Alfred and Matthew had already tackled her into a bone crushing hug, "oh my gosh Emily, thank God your fine!" hey both said in unison as they both hugged her tighter.

"Urg, I love you both but really, I can't breath." Emily giggled as she hugged them both back.

"I'm really glad your safe," Matthew said as he planted soft kisses on her forehead and cheeks, careful not to touch any wounds.

"You don't know how worried Alfred and I have been." Matthew continued as he gripped her hand, Alfred doing the same to her other.

"I know, I'm sorry Mattie and Alfie..."

Alfred shooked his head, "don't be sorry because it's not your fault, what's important here is that your now fine."

Emily nodded as she received another hug from her older brothers again.

"Ah, by the way, how's Artie doing?" She asked when they pulled away.

The twins suddenly fell silent, Emily tipped her head to the side a bit with confusion, "Al?" Worry and fear starting to pump in her veins.

"Y-you see Emily, he's...."

Meanwhile, back in Arthur's room, the Brit had awoken a while after the twins left, finding it a bit difficult to sleep when a main concern keeps running inside his head.

"Are you awake, angleterre?"

"I can't sleep."

"Thought so...I made you tea, here." The Frenchman handed him the warm cup carefully. Arthur's hand wandered in the air for a moment, trying to find the cup, Francis grabbed his hand gently and pushed the warm cup in his hands.

"Thanks..." Arthur said as he took a sip in his tea. It was times like this when the two of them are in serious matter that they don't argue with the other's company, they are, after all, friends and enemies at the same time since they were kids. One would stand for the other in times when needed.

"I'm really sorry to vhat happened to your eyes, Arthur. But please-"

"I lost my eyes, Francis. I prbably won't be able to see again, how could I not sulk about it?" Arthur said with annoyance yet words dripping with sorrow.

"You zon't have to sacrifice zhis much to Emily, do you even zhought of how she vould feel vhen she found out you risked your sight just to save her?" Francis said sadly.

"I know...yet I couldn't risk to let her suffer greater injuries than what she already have. I promised Alfred I will protect her."

"Arthur, please-"

"I couldn't protect Alfred that's why he left. I couldn't risk of letting the one I love now leave me again." Arthur gripped the sheets.

"... You really loved Alfred and Emily."

Arthur nodded, "more than anything, Alfred is my little brother, not biologically and in blood but I still love him as my own...even until now." Arthur sighed sadly, "even if he no longer needs me because he claims he's an adult now and that he can live independently, I still see the kid that I once took in, in those eyes."

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