Chapter 7

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//Next Morning//

Emily woke up and saw rays of sunlight drifted from the window behind the curtains, beads of water slid down the clear glass. As Emily was about to get up she felt arms wrapped around her waist,she turned and saw Arthur sleeping beside him.

"...!?" She didn't want the sleeping boy to wake up so she didn't move and just stared at him.

Her face turned shades of red as she glared at the sleeping gentleman and listened to his breath as he inhaled and exhaled deeply. Arthur's eyes twitched and slowly opened revealing his bright clear Emerald orbs. Arthur looked at her with puppy eyes as he blinked.

"Oh, Good morning,love" Arthur said he slowly gets up rubbing his eyes

"Morning,Dude" Emily said shyly trying not to blush

"Mmm..." Arthur's head fell on Emily's shoulders as he rubbed his hair on her face as he purred like a sleepy child.

Emily blushed and started twitching her shoulders "Yo,dude get up,not cool ya know"

Arthur's eyes shot open and sat straight

"S-sorry..." he said scratching the back of his neck as he got up and stretched,his shirt went up a little as he scratched his head with a yawn.

"I'll go and prepare Breakfast" Arthur said sleepily

Emily nodded in response and her cheeks began to turn pinkish red because...

'He looks cute with Bedroom hair' she thought

Then Arthur went downstairs.

Emily walked to the bathroom and washed her face and brushed her teeth. As she went down she saw Arthur biting a toothbrush while he put bowls,cereal,milk,etch... on the table. He removed his toothbrush and washed it and his mouth then saw Emily standing by the stairs

"Good morning again,love. Come sit," Arthur said as he took out her chair and pushed her in

He sat on the other side of the table and poured earl grey tea into his tea cup while Emily ate cereal and bread.

Arthur had his laptop on the table and he just focused on typing that he didn't even touched anything on the table, except his tea.

Emily looked at him and wondered why he seemed thin when he has all kinds of food in his house. She quickly stood up and walked over to Arthur and closed the screen shut with her hand.

Arthur looked at her with slight annoyance in his face.

"Excuse me?" He said

"Dude,eat something first before you work,not just your tea" Emily said looking at him

"Im good with tea, I don't eat too much food anyway, now if you'll excuse me I have to finish my work" Arthur said as he tried to remove her hand but he failed

"Dude Im not letting you touch your computer until you do" Emily said, Arthur sighed and said

"I already ate earlier ok?" He lied, Emily didnt buy that, how could he eat breakfast earlier when they just woke up at the same time. Emily crossed her eye brows when they heard a phone ringing. Arthur took out his phone and looked to see who was calling,he sighed and answered it

"Hello?" He said

But......I that really necessary? *sigh* ok ok......
IM GOING YOU BLOODY GIT!!" Then Arthur cut off the line and slammed his phone on the table

The Gentleman and the Heroine [UKxFem!US] Completed!Where stories live. Discover now