Chapter 16

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"They should have been home by now..." Alfred muttered as he stared at the clock that hung across from him on the wall. "Arthur's not answering my calls...and so as Emily. Very unusual for her to ignore my calls..." he stared at his phone screen.

"Its their first date Alfred, let them have fun." Matthew said from the couch, Kumajiro sitting comfortably on his lap while fa ing the T.V.

"Why are you so calm?"

"Why are you such a worry wart?" Matthew deadpanned.

"Fuck you..."

"Language, Alfred." Matthew warned softly.

"I have a bad feeling about this..."

"Why? Just because Emily is dating Arthur now?"


"Then what?"

"I feel like...something's wrong....terribly wrong...I can feel it in my bones..."

"Wow, you really learned a lot from Arthur." Matthew teased.

"Shut up."



"Come, look, there had been an accident."

Alfred grumbled, too lazy to get up and look at some random accident. "Just turn the volume on will ya?" Matthew did so and the volume increases from the living room.

"....ere had been an accident, it appears to be a car crash followed by an explosion. Judging from the looks of the turned over car and the flaming truck, it appears that the said truck was carrying gasoline and the driver might have fallen asleep, or, have lost balance on the slippery road from the rain earlier..."

"Tsk...stupid drivers." Alfred mumbled. Matthew shushed him and listened to the report as he beckoned Alfred to come, which Alfred did so with a loud sigh and sat next to him with an arm draped over the back of the couch behind his twin's head.

"The firefighters have killed the fire and was now retrieving the body of the truck driver who died during the crash while the medical team was now tending the two unconcious victims; a blonde male and female."

The twins stiffened uncomfortably as they watched the camera man roll over the turned over car.

"I-isnt that...Arthur's car?" Matthew stuttered softly, his blood going cold as they stared at the damaged front of the car and the busted windshield that could pierce through flesh through the T.V. screen.

"T-there are many cars like that around here, Mattie. D-dont be silly." Alfred said as he tried to hide the coldness in his voice, fear coursing through his veins as they watched further the report.

".....One of the victims obtained a terrible burn by the explosion and the other cuts and bruises. The victims are identified as Emily F. Jones and Arthur Kirkland. They are both being taken to the hospital for further surgery in......"

Alfred shut off the T.V. and got up to get his jacket.

"A-alfred..." Matthew called out, his voice breaking with every breath he took to control his sudden urge to cry in shock and despair.

"Let's go Matthew....." Alfred grabbed his brother's hand and pulled him towards the front door and into his car as he drove in an insane speed towards the said hospital. Matthew was fidgeting nervously whilst Alfred gripped the wheel till his knuckles turned white. Matthew grabbed his brother's hand to calm him, but failing to do so, for he, too, can't stay calm at that time. Alfred glanced at their joined hands and back at Matthew who was staring out the window, the rain began pouring once again, Matthew's reflection on the mirror showed his pained expression as he tried to put himself together. Matthew only went clingy and touchy towards him like this when he's angry, sad or badly troubled. Alfred returned his gaze quickly on the road and squeezed back his brother's hand in return as he clenched his jaw tightly, praying that his little sister and older brother is OK.

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