Chapter 8

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The next morning, Emily woke up at 12:35 pm. She went downstairs as she stretched up her arms in the air.

"Artie?" She called out with a yawn but no one replied. She looked around but there's no sign of the Britian. Instead, she noticed a covered plate on the table with a note.

She read the neatly written note.

Dear Emily,
Good Morning,Poppet. I see that you have woken up, sadly I cannot join you for Breakfast because I have some few errands to run. I might come home late so don't wait for me and go to bed EARLY. I cooked something for you on the table. You can call Yao over or Leon to keep you company.


She smiled and opened the covered plate, theres a bunch of pancake on it that had been neatly arranged. She took a bite, although its tasteless she just poured some Maple syrup on it and finished it  up. She loved Maple syrup like Matthew and didn't know that Arthur has some in his fridge, guess that it was a gift from her brother.

She put the dishes in the sink and washed it instead of using the dishwasher.

She then got a text message from Kiku.

A large smile crept on her face and she quickly replied "Yeah sure dude,Ill meet ya there!" And quickly rushed upstairs to take a shower.

After a while Emily ran out of the house and called a cab and went in, she texted Arthur that she'll be going somewhere and said that she'll be back by 9 or 10. She recieved a reply from Arthur "Well...I guess it Ok but be extra careful ok?" She just replied with an Ok then went off.


//Arthur's POV//

Ugh! This is so stressing...they keep coming in one after the other. I leaned back to the thick leather chair in my office as I sighed deeply. Then I recieved a text message from Emily she's going somewhere huh? Well...I guess its better for her rather than being absorbed by the video game again,so I agreed and replied back. I combed my hair with my hand as I continued my work.

The door suddenly swung open seeing the Bloody Frenchman, Francis walk in.

"Bloody hell, have you ever heard of knocking before entering you git!?" I shouted over the table

"Oooh, grumpy az always, iz zat how you treat a guest?" He said putting a hand on his hip

I scoffed and sat straight while I massage my head with my hands. god I have a terrible headache already and then comes this bloody frog.

"Pfft! Anyways, why the hell did you come here for?" I said harshly

"Ohonhonhon, well, you zee, I saw Emily hanging out with Kiku a while ago"

"So? What about it?" I said sarcastically, Goshdanggit is this really what he bothered me for?!

" it not obvious?" He asked

"What?" Oh please I have no time for games you bloody frog!

"It looks like they're Dating since they seemed to like each other..."

I got choked back from the words 'They're Dating' for some reason I feel like snapping any moment now...


"Get out...please..."


"I SAID GET OUT!!!" I snapped as tears started to formed between my eyes. I quickly looked down on the floor hoping that he didn't see my face. I heard him sigh and heard footsteps drifting away as he left the room and shut the door behind him.

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