Chapter 11

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It was 11:38pm when Emily woke up finding the bed where Arthur was was empty. Emily straightened up from the chair beside the bed and scanned the dark room for the Brit. She felt worry in her chest thinking something might have happened to the ill Brit, until she heard the toilet flush. She turned and saw light under the bathroom door connected to the room. The door creaked open slowly revealing the Brit, leaning on the door frame, breathing heavily and letting the light from the bathroom flood the cold hard wood floor of the room. Emily's eyes twitched as they adjusted from the light while Arthur stared half-lidded eyes on the floor, his head leaning against the door frame.

"Art, there you are...I was worried about you...anyways, how are you feeling, British dude?" Emily asked but Arthur just stared blankly at her that sent chills throughout her body. Arthur switched off the light leaving the room in the dark again, except the light coming from the bright moon outside. Its moonlight beams through the clear window panes giving the room a bit of light. Emily's face was perfectly illuminated by the moonlight. Whilst Arthur's face was barely seen in the dark but his torso and lower body was clearly seen. The night was cold making Emily's legs tingle a little, they both locked gazes for a while until Arthur broke his gaze as he walked closer to Emily making his face visible by the light where Emily stood. Emily could now see his face clearly as she stared into his emerald orbs and felt hot breath touching her face, she jumped realizing that Arthur had made his way to her and was now standing in front of her without her noticing. Arthur stared deeply in her ocean eyes as she stared into his forest green ones. His eyes seemed to glow brighter and lighter shade of green when hit by the moonlight, sometimes Emily thinks that's his eyes glowed brighter in the dark or in the dim light.

"uh... Artie...what's wrong?" she asked stepping back a little which he followed.

 Arthur licked his parted lips, which he used for breathing since he can't breathe on his nose properly.

"Em...ily..." he said, voice still hoarse and worn-out.

"uhm... y-yeah?"

"I..." that's when Emily's alarm on her phone went off silencing Arthur's further words.

"oh... sorry..." she said as she hovered over to the table to dismiss the alarm "It's time for your" she said as she gave Arthur his medicine. 



"Tea." Arthur repeated

Emily's mouth shaped O as she finally got what he meant, "Aaah, you want tea. OK I'll make some for you." she said as she raced down the stairs to the kitchen, not wanting to make the Brit wait so she quickly boiled hot water from the kettle on the stove and turned to open the kitchen cabinets. Her hand groped shelf by shelf in the cabinets, hoping to find Arthur's stocked tea. Her finger tips brushed over a smooth object, she grabbed it and took it out; It was a medium-sized jar with a green lid. She opened the container and saw Arthur's tea, "Bingo!" she said as she took 'em out and proceeded to make his tea. after a few minutes, Emily brought the hot mug of tea back to the room. She kicked the door open gently only to find Arthur sitting on the bed with his gaze on the floor. "here ya go Artie" she said as she held out the mug for him, she wrapped a thin cloth around it to prevent Arthur for hurting his hands because of the steaming mug. Arthur wrapped his warm hands around it, brushing his fingers across Emily's in the process. Emily's cheeks turned pink and let go of the mug. He took a small sip as she held out his medicine for him which he took and popped in his mouth, drinking his tea to help it go down his throat. It's amazing that he didn't seemed to be bothered or even burned his tongue with the hot tea, guess that's just because he's sick or something. Arthur's eyes narrowed to the bitter taste of the medicine, he glanced at the steaming liquid for awhile then he drank the remaining tea up. Emily took the mug off his hands, leaving them cold, and placed the mug on the side table. Before she could even turn her head, she felt his hot forehead pressed against her own as she stared wide eyed into his face before she completely drowned into those warm emerald orbs. Arthur stared at her through half-lidded eyes as he breathed through his parted lips, his hot breath tickled her face, the smell of Earl grey in his breath sent slight chills down her spine. Emily's eyes fell upon his red lips as she licked her dry ones and swallowed thickly. Emily had been staring at them for quite a while now and, of course, Arthur had been watching her. He inched his face into her's a bit more and licked his own lips, their lips were only a few pinches apart. Emily felt her face heat up when Arthur opened his mouth, "Emily..." 

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