Chapter 5

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When Arthur got home, he hunged his coat on the rack near the door and took his neck tie off and unbuttoned the first two buttons on his shirt. His phone suddenly vibrated for an incoming message, He thought it was Yao or Kiku but he saw that the number was not yet registered to his phonebook, he read the message anyway.

"Yo British dude xD " the message says

Then he texted back "Pardon but who are you?" Then he sent the message.

Then his phone vibrated again "Oh sorry bout that, Its me, Emily!" It says

Then he replied "Oh I see...but I dont remember giving you my number..." he sent back.

Then she texted back "Ah, sorry dude, Matthew gave me your number earlier...guess I should've asked it from you instead..."

"Seriously? A lady is the asking me my number? As a gentleman I should be doing it! Wait what...?" Arthur thought...

His phone vibrated again in his hand snapping him out of his thoughts.

He read the message

"Anyway dude,My brothers are leaving early tommorow and Ill be attending an appointment haha, see ya  British dude! XDDD"

From the way she talks Its like he's talking with Alfred or a guy or something...he just replied "Ok..." then he sent it...for some reason he felt happy that Emily texted him and he kept looking at the messages she sent. "This is weird...why do I feel  happy? And my heart is beating fast, I think my chest is about to explode..." He accidentally deleted her number his jaw dropped open

"Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Now I have to ask her for her number tommorow aaaah! Im such an Idiot!" Then he went to his room and collapsed on his bed, he stared blankly at the ceiling with arms wide open.

"Tommorow..." he said slowly

"Ill ask her number tommorow..." his cheeks turned pink his hand flew to his chest and felt his pounding heart.

"So fast..." then he felt like his chest is burning, he felt like his body is heating up so he unbuttoned his shirt and threw it to the floor and went to sleep.

The next day after he got out of the bathroom, he put on a shirt and his green military uniform and went downstairs. He made toast with butter and some tea and sat down on the dining table. He looked at his wrist watch and realized he didnt have much time to he finished his tea and took a couple bites from his toast and got into his car and left.

When he got to the meeting room almost every one was there chatting with their own groups or families.

Arthur made his way to the meeting table and sat down quietly.

"This should be the last meeting of the week..." Arthur thought as he rubbed his forehead with his fingers.

He felt a hand on his shoulder,when he turned to see who it was,he was annoyed to see the Frog.

"Bonjour Arthur, you looked wasted as always" A blonde headed man said with a sarcastic smile, he wore a purple outfit and red pants with boots. His clear violet eyes was fixed on Arthur's face.

"Shut up Francis!" Arthur said with an annoyed tone

"Ohonhonhon, cranky are we? Didnt you ate your breakfast before you left?" Francis said with a smile.

Arthur was about to yell at him but Ludwig suddenly came in and started the meeting.

Arthur looked tired and bored of the meeting he was just tapping his pen against the table during the meeting when someone pushed open the door with a strong force.

The Gentleman and the Heroine [UKxFem!US] Completed!Where stories live. Discover now