Chapter 4

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As Arthur drove down the streets, he kept thinking about Matthew's favor as he turned around a few corners and drove straight. He kept thinking about it especially now that he found out that Emily was their little sister. That explains why she looks and acts like Alfred. Then he felt his cheeks burning again.

"Whats happening to me? Im not like this whenever I meet new girls,even cute ones so why...
Whats so special about her anyway?!" He asked himself as he gripped the wheel. He pulled down the window to let the air in, the wind blew into his face, his hair flew with the wind as he drove faster. Then he saw his face blushing red in the side mirror, he bit his lip and closed his eyes. He stopped at one corner and rolled up the window and shut the engine off. He leaned back against the Driver's seat silently, he covered his mouth with the top of his hand and breathed deeply.

"Thats enough,Arthur,stop it...thats enough..." he told himself as he unbuckled his safety belt and opened the door. When he got out he locked the doors and walked towards a nearby house. Bamboo stalks in pots sat on each side of the door post and a small red chinese lantern hung on the top of the doorway. Arthur reached for the Gold colored Door knocker that hung in the middle of the door when the door suddenly opened and Yao greeted him.

"I was starting to think you won't show up,aru" Yao said with a smile

"Sorry if im late" Arthur said in a worried tone.

"Well no matter,aru. I just made some tea. Come,come in" Yao said  moving aside to let him pass. Yao wore a red Chinese robe with oversized sleeves and yellow linen.

He shut the door behind Arthur and led him towards the Kitchen.

The room was big, a big Dining table was in the middle of the room. The walls are covered with yellow cream paper,the sunlight passed through the large window and the big thick gold curtains hunged on the side. A large lantern hunged on the ceiling above the dining table. A cupboard sat on one corner,it had two picture frames and a small chinese calendar on it. One of the picture frames shows Kiku,Ludwig,Feliciano,Alfred,Arthur,Francis,Yao,and Ivan in a group pic.

And the other picture frame that sat beside it shows Yao and his Brothers and Sister (Kiku,Soo yong,Leon,Xiao Mai).

A statue of a Golden dragon Yao got from China was displayed in the other corner, a Bamboo plant sat at the corner next to the counter. The counter seperates the kitchen from the dining area.

Arthur removed his coat and placed it on the his right arm.

"Come, Sit ,aru" Yao said as he walked towards the kitchen.

Arthur nodded and put his coat at the back of his chair and sat down. He watched Yao as he shifted from the cupboard to the stove, a small kettle was being heated on it. Then Arthur's eyes flew to glance at the picture frames not far from the table.

"Yao." He said

"Yes?" Yao called from the kitchen

"I hope you dont mind me asking but does your brothers and sister still visits you?" Arthur asked

"Ah I dont mind at all,aru.
Leon still lives here with me,but he's gone to visit some relatives in Hong Kong thats why its a little lonely being all alone here...Kiku visits when he has some forms to discuss with me. While Yong Soo and Xiao Mai rarely visits. Like Kiku,they have their own lives now. We only gather everyone up during ocassions  like New Years and Christmas. Leon is usually the one who's good at Fire crackers and fireworks,he sets up beautiful fireworks display,aru! Yet im still Nervous whenever he lights them..."

Yao stopped talking when he heard the Kettle whistle,Yao walked over and turned the stove off.

"Ah...sorry...I got carried away on talking,aru" Yao said shyly as he poured the liquid into his small Tea pot. He held the the Tea pot on his left hand, a platter with two Tea cups on the other hand, and a tray of treats such as muffins,Rice cookies,Panda shaped cookies,and sweet buns was balanced on his head.

"I dont mind you talking-" Arthur stopped when he looked at Yao balancing the trays, Arthur widened his eyes like Yao might trip out of balance any time. But Yao slid everything down gently on the table.

"Your good at balancing..." Arthur said

"Mhm..." Yao replied as he poured tea into Arthur's cup then at his,Arthur thanked him and sipped from his cup silently,its already sweet so he didnt have to put some sugar or honey on it.

Yao sipped from his cup and turned to Arthur "So tell me,aru. Whats bothering you lately?" Yao asked gently.

"A-ah...its nothing really..." Arthur said as he gently placed his cup on the small plate making a delightful clink sound.

"Its not like you to be down and troubled,aru. Is it about work? Dont overwork too hard, if you do, your body will get weak and suddenly collapse" Yao said giving an concerned look to his british friend.

"I not overworking,dont worry..." Arthur said

"Then tell me...whats bothering you?" Yao said as he sipped his tea

Arthur bit his lip and pressed them tightly together.

"I...I just met a new girl yesterday..." he said finally.

"Mhm..." Yao said waiting for him to continue.

"She...she's Matthew and Alfred's little sister..."

"Aiyaah they have a little sister,aru?Yao said looking surprised.

"Yeah...Her name is Emily..."

"Aaaah...well thats good to hear," Yao paused as he took a panda shaped cookie from the tray and nibbled it "There's nothing wrong with meeting a new girl,no?"

"I-I know...i-its just that...her face..."

"Huh?" Yao said looking a bit confused to Arthur

Arthur pressed his lips tightly and his cheeks turned pink "I...I cant get her face out of my mind...whenever I close my eyes,her face always pops up...I cant sleep at night," Arthur bit his lip "Its like a curse!"

"That's mean,aru" Yao said with one eye closed... "Just because you always think about her dosent mean its a curse,aru"

"I-im not thinking about her! Why would I? I barely know her, in fact, I dont know anything about her (except that she's Mattew and Alfred's sister ofcourse)" Arthur said clenching the handle of his tea cup, Yao didnt reply then the moment of silence came, only the sound of glass clinking and soft crunches can be heard.

"Matthew and Alfred asked me to Keep an eye on Emily while they're gone for they're biusness trip" Arthur said breaking the silence between them.

"Aiyaa!...I thought your gonna say your gonna be busy with work again. I never thought your busy doing Babysitting!" Yao teased

Arthur pouted and said "Im not Babysitting anyone, I just have to keep an eye on her!" Arthur said raising his voice a little.

"Ok ok calm down aru, but wait...
Arnt you busy with work,aru?"

"Well...yeah...I think I can manage to keep an eye on her while im working..." Arthur said rubbing his neck.

"Hmm...want me to help you,aru?"

"What? Oh no...You have some things to do and I dont want to bother you, its alright Yao,thank you" Arthur said gently

"Leon is in Hong Kong,I have nothing to do here,plus,my buisness is working smoothly so I have nothing to worry about,aru"

Yao said with a friendly smile "Just text me if you need help,aru"

Arthur paused for a while then he looked at Yao with a smile "Thank you Yao"

The two friends continued chatting and when their Tea was finished, Arthur left Yao's house and drove all the way home.

The Gentleman and the Heroine [UKxFem!US] Completed!Where stories live. Discover now