Helping (YN)

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Andy's POV

I was roaming the library shelves looking for some book to read for my English class when I heard what sounded like soft cries. I walked around the corner only to find a small girl with black hair styled to what some may call emo, ripped black skinny jeans and a kiss band shirt. she was sitting with her legs to her chest and her forehead resting on her knees as she cried out low soft sobs."Hey are you okay". I asked. "N-no". she shuddered through sobs. I took a seat beside her and wrapped my arms around her shoulders. As i tried to comfort this broken girl she changed positions so her legs rested across my lap with her head placed on my chest, well her hands grasped my leather jacket. After she settled down from crying every last tear her little body held. After formally meeting each other by name (Y,N) and I walked to class and became good friends.

Andy Biersack Imagnes! (Slow updates)Where stories live. Discover now