Blood Lust

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~Your Pov~
You we're walking along wet, slippery rocks, that lay imbedded deep into the sandy shores of a beautiful river. Your bare feet danced along the rocks as you walked one foot in front of the other along the rocks that lined the river shore whilst the cold water rushed up the rocks, dampening your feet. You took in a deep breath as you felt the cold night air entering your lungs.
Your eyes were closed as your hair flowed passed your shoulders, flowing into the air. The cold breeze kissed your soft rosy skin while your sweater was plastered to your body tight as the wind held it to your skin tight. The sky was dark, illuminated by the bright white stars. The moon was full showing off its yellow glow as the gray and white colours of the moon mixed together in the dark night sky.
You opened your bright, glowing y/e/c eyes as you stared into the sky. You sat down into the cold sand, bringing your knees up to your chest sitting on the lonely beach, giving it a little sense of company during this beautiful evening.
In the distance across the crashing water you noticed a pair of glowing red eyes staring your way, watching your every move as you pushed a pice of hair behind your ear and stared right into the creatures glowing eyes, knowing exactly what it was.
Vampires we're more common these days but only important people knew about them. Your family was wealthy witch meant your Mother who was a woman, worked with the government, they knew all about those creatures. Your mother informed you and only you about it. You were sworn to keep it to yourself and tell no one. Every day your mothers words were echoing throughout your swirling mind. "You must never tell anyone about these dangerous creatures, promise" my mothers sharp, desperate words were imbedded deep into the archives of your brain. While my much more week voice answered. "Yes mother. I promise"
I sighed and peered away from the glowing red eyes and focused on the crashing waves that smashed into the rocks and hit your feet as you sat on the damp sand near the edge of the flowing river.
You felt a large gust of wind blow your hair to one side as you felt a pair of fangs sink themselves deep into your neck. You didn't scream, this was why you were here, at the river, to see him. One of the creatures that my mother sworn me to never tell others about. I loved one and he loved me, he hated that I let him drink my blood but I didn't want some poor innocent human, such as myself to endure the painful feeling of his fangs sinking deep into your skin, gulping only a singly pint of your blood. Vampires only needed a small amount of your blood and it lasted them a week until they needed more to survive, but the urge to taste a humans sweet, thick, metallic tasting blood was to strong to not want more for some vampires. Those were the ones that killed those innocent citizens that ended up with animal attack reports. But Andy, your Andy was different, he had self control and only took what he needed and never more or less. He loved you and you loved him, in return for his breaking of the vampire law to be with a human you paid a small price that was worth it to have him as your lover. All you had to pay was what he needed of your blood every week.
You felt his fangs slowly eject from within your neck and his warm lips to kiss away any remaining blood that leaked from the wound. His cold, pale fingers grabbed a square band aid, un wrapping it and placing the large band aid over the two puncher wounds from his sharpe white fangs.
You winced at the feeling of pressure that his fingers pressing onto the band aid to cover up the holes to stop the bleeding.
You snuggled into Andy as he sat behind you whilst you leaned into his embrace, his arms wrapped around your shoulders while your hands held his forearms with your cold fingers. You both closed your eyes while holding each other, sitting together near the clashing river. Calming, a calming feeling is all you both felt while in each other's  arms, holding on to one another in affection. 
That night you never wanted to leave his arms. You never wanted to live without him but you weren't ready to be like him, he would let you live until a good age, where you were still youthful so that you could live together in your large home in the woods were you would have a family and love one another until, forever.

(Happy New Years welcome 2016)

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