Book Store Boy

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You walked down the street as a warm gust of air flew your hair all over the place as you walked down the dusty side walk on your way to find a good romance novel to read.

You reached the store and pulled open the door and walked up the counter where a very attractive boy sat.

His black hair was perfectly messily styled along with his outfit.

His lips where so captivating but his eyes where the most beautiful baby blue you had ever seen.

He smiled such a gorgeous real smile, he was actually happy and joyful.

"Excuse me can you point me to the romance Section please?"

The boy nodded before pointing to the isle that held
Your favourite book genre to read.


"Thank you".

You walked off into the direction of romance novels to try and find at least one good read.

Searching and searching you turn up finding the perfect book.

It was about a girl who was a human who is born into a wearwolf family and thinks she won't find herself a mate.

Until she finds him but will he reject her because of their different ways of life.

So you couldn't wait to buy this book and read it till you can't take the bitter emotional roller coaster till the end.

You make your way up to the counter and find the same boy who pointed you in the right direction. 

You pulled out your wallet as you set the book onto the counter.

His eyes caught yours once he heard you place the paperback book onto the counter.

"Will that be all today, Miss?" 

You smiled before nodding and then pulling out the exact change before he bagged the book and placed the receipt and handed you the bag.

You smiled warmly at his smiling face before he handed you your bag and bid you farewell.

You sighed in happiness as you took your time to walk towards the exit of the store.

But before you could reach the handle of the grande wooden door a large, tattooed hand placed itself around your wrist.


You turned around to face him and stared down at his hand that still gripped your wrist delicately.


You answered the boy with a uncertain expression with a questioning response.

"Could, could I possibly get your number?" 

You stared at him in shock before nodding as you swallowed down the lump that had been rising in your throat.

You pulled out your phone from your purse and handed him your phone after entering the contact adding app.

You watched as he put his name and number into your phone before taking out his own phone after confirming his contact information and looking at yours.

Andy Biersack Imagnes! (Slow updates)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora