Saving (YN)'s Life

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Andy's POV

I was out for a drive to get my mind off things. The sky was pouring down tears throw the gray clouds and the air was wet from the humidity. As I parked my car I stepped out and started walking down the path a bridge came into view. I continued walking as the sky let out all of its saddens and problems throughout its warm wet tears that well into the earth soul so the earth could solve the rains problems and heal the rains sadness. As I finally reached the old red wooden bridge I noticed something sitting on the edge of the old wooden bridge. As I came behind what was a girl sitting on the edge of the bridge. With one swift moment she began to prepare to fall to her death into the cars down below. But before she plummeted to her death I safely wrapped my arms around her waist pulling her back down and placing her feet onto the wet concrete ground. I brought her into my chest and held her close. After she cried into my chest she pulled away. I offered to take her home but she denied saying she had nowhere to go her family was gone mother dead giving birth to her and father in gail. I found out her name was (Y,N) and that she wanted to die cause she had no one no friends family only bullies. After are conversation We walked over to my car getting soaking wet from the rain. The sky was still crying as we walked into my house to take a shower. (Y,N) took the upstairs shower, I gave her one of my kiss t-shirts and a par of boxer briefs to wear. After that I went into the down stars shower. Since I wouldn't let (Y,N) sleep on the couch and she wouldn't let me since its my own house. We both took a side of the bed and feel asleep. I heard (Y,N)'s soft snores and pulled her into my chest and into a deep blissful sleep.

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