Best Friend

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You were hanging out with your best friend Andy when he decided to have a tickle war.

Andy was making you scream with laughter as he tickled your sides.

You looked like a snake jolting in all directions as your best friend Andy was causing air to leave your lungs slowly.

He was still rapidly grazing your sides with the tips of his fingers.

As Andy tickled you he had a dumb smirk plastered on his face that made you smile through laughter.

As several more seconds of death tickling continued, Andy finally stopped and laid next to your acing body as you gasped for air.

You turned your head to see that Andy's blue eyes where gazing directly at you.

This caused a deep, rosey, blush to coat your checks whilst a smile appeared on your face.

Andy slowly creeped closer until your faces were merely inches apart.

Once Andy attached your lips, you were shocked but than you slowly realize he was kissing you as you moved your lips in a slow and steady rhythm.

After what was seconds felt like hours, You both did not want to pull away but had no choice but to allow air to enter your lungs.

You looked into each others eyes, You looking into Andy's dark pools of blue and him looking into your (y,e,c) lustful eyes waiting his lips on yours again.

You found yourself placing your cherrie red lips onto Andy's pink, full, lips as you're mouths moulded together like two puzzle pieces that fit perfectly into each and every crease.

You thought about how you how you always new Andy was attractive, well thats an understatement, but you never really realized how much you loved him.

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