New Kid

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You walked the halls feeling alone but content with your new school.

Until you where tripped on your way to your first period class.

You just scuffed and got back up and continued your way to class.

You entered your first period class to find only one boy sitting alone since the bell hadn't yet rung for everyone to be in class.

You took a seat next to the boy just to be a bitch and piss him off.

He looked up at you causing you to almost fall out of your chair.

He was......gorgeous!! His looks his, his, his eyes! and just wow.

You almost started drooling over how hot the first guy you had seen at your new school was.

That was until he spoke and melted your soul even more.

"Hey I'm Andy, got a problem with me?"

You just stared at him in shock because his voice was so deep it had you drooling.

"Nope not at all".

He just laughed before getting back to listening to his music as you watched the students poor into the small religion class room.

The teacher begun to talk and teach the lesson but before you knew it the class was over.

You watched the boy get up so you followed since you had nothing better to do before heading to your next class.

You watched him get something from his locker before realizing you where being a giant stocker.

He turned around and smirked at you from your spot across the large hall.

You lean against the locker as he walks over to your stunned body.

He just chuckled as you felt him leave zero space between you and the lockers that lay behind you.

His breath fans your lips as his eyes flick from your eyes down to your lips.

Then you where both town away from each other as the sound of a girl calling Andy's name walks over.

"Andy, leave the pour girl alone".

He chuckled before staring at your lips one last time before you felt his weight leave your body free from being pressed against the locker.

He chuckled once again before she begins to introduce herself to in such an amount of amazingly happy energy.

You just giggled at what you hope will be a long lasting friendship with the both of them

But you hope for could become more with Andy since you knew the girl who introduced herself as Y/b/f/n.

He seemed to feel the same and you couldn't wait untold the day you could call him yours.

With a glint of happiness and hope in your E/C eyes that seemed to sparkle with every word that emptied from Andy's beautifully, plump, pink, lips.

(Hope you enjoyed!!!
Please please comment it makes me want to update more often!!)~BvbFanEmma

Andy Biersack Imagnes! (Slow updates)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora