Fire Escape

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Walking towards the window you grip the ledge before pulling it up and open.

Taking in a large breath of air you could smell the lingering sent of cigarette smoke, mixed in with the damp sent of fall, exhaling you smiled as you thought of the leaves you'd see cluttering the damp ground.

Sticking your head out the window and looking to your left you could see a man sitting on the metal steps of his fire escape.

Rushing by where the sounds of cars speeding down the streets as they head to work at such an early time of morning.

Hearing the birds chirp from high up in distant treats left a happy feeling settle in your stomach.

Sighing in content you duck under your window before climbing onto your fire escape.

Turning around to once again face the open window; you reach inside and grab your mug of warm coffee.

Taking small sips of the burning liquid happiness you hummed a tune as you leaned your elbows on the edge of the cold metal railing.

Your large sweater covered the tender flesh of your underarms from being cold.

The various colours of browns of the sweater you wore looked so pleasing along with the different patterns.

It was just thick enough that your leaning position that caused your arms to rest against the metal stopped any indenting that it would cause your bare flesh.

Despite the warm sweater protecting your upper body from the cold and supplying it with much wanted warmth; your choice of pants caused your legs to be kissed by the cold air and heated by the rays of sun that found a way to peak through the fluff...

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Despite the warm sweater protecting your upper body from the cold and supplying it with much wanted warmth; your choice of pants caused your legs to be kissed by the cold air and heated by the rays of sun that found a way to peak through the fluffy white clouds.

The dark grey Nike shorts had accents of yellow on the sides along with a short and slim fit.

Siping the end of your drink you turn around to place the mug back inside on a part of the ledge inside past the window.

Hearing a cough you spun around to see the man on the fire escape staring out into the street; as the cigarette smoke past his lips and swam into his lungs.

Feeling the base of your feet being tickled by the soft inside of your fluffy grey Uggs slippers.

The sole of the shoe was a light brown as the inside fur was white, which folded onto the top outside part of the grey coloured knitted looking slipper.

Staring intently at the man you walked to the ed he of your fire escape to see where it left a hole in between to where his was.

You took in his features of his long black hair to his plump pink full lips wrapped around a cigarette that allowed his lungs to fill with toxic smoke.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2016 ⏰

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