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You smiled as you awaken to see the dazzling crystal blue eyes of your husband.

You and Andy had been happily married for over three years now.

His eyes where so beautiful to look into as he smiled sweetly at you.

You giggled as your husband sprinkled kisses all over your face.

You sighed happily as he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you into his chest as he kissed your lips softly.

You both laid in bed holding each other and kissing for a few more moments before your Body decided it needed to pee.

You tried to wiggle out of his hold explaining how you before to per but that didn't stop Andy from holding you close.

"Andy. Baby I need to peeeee".

You whined as he slowly unwrapped himself from you.

You thanked him then started to descend from on your large bed.

But before you could reach the wash room you felt Andy grab your wrist and pull you back into his chest.

He stood behind you as he held you to his chest keeping you got going pee.

"Andy babe please let me pee then you can have all the hugs and kisses you desire".

You heard Andy's deep vice mumble an okay before allowing you to reach the washroom and go relieve your bladder.

Once you finished in the bathroom you flushed then washed your hands and dried them before heading back into your bedroom.

Once you exited your bathroom you saw no Andy in sight.

You slowly made your way down the stairs into the kitchen, following the smell of yummy food.

You saw the most amazing sight, your husband cocking breakfast in only his boxers.

You let out a giggle as he sang along to a song in his head as he flipped an egg.

You snuck uo behind him and wrapped your arms around his tall frame.

"Morning baby. Mm that smells so good".

You complemented while holding onto his torso and leaving sweet kisses on the soft skin of his shoulder.

"Mm good morning honey".

Andy scooped the yummy looking eggs onto two separate plaits that already had buttered toast on them.

He then turned the stove off then turned around after your arms fell from around his waist and cupped your face.

"I love you Y/n".

"I love you Andy".

He thank leaned into your lips and kissed them tenderly before pulling away and taking a moment to stare into your eyes with much love.

He them smiled and grabbed both plaits and brought them over to your big kitchen table.

He then pulled out a chair and gestures for you too take a seat.

You sat I the chair and allowed Andy to push it in for you.

"Thank you".

You said sweetly as he smiled and pulled a seat out for himself as he took and seat and shuffled to the table.


He sang as you both dug into your scrumptious looking and tasting food.

Your morning consisted of fooling around and enjoying echo there company.

Andy Biersack Imagnes! (Slow updates)Where stories live. Discover now