Nobody's Hero

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Your boots stepped onto the ground outside of a gas station in the middle of nowhere.

The bell on the door was heard as the door slammed shut and caused a gust of wind to follow.

Your hair blew into every direction possible as you walked with your hands stuffed in the pockets of your leather jacket.

You turned a corner and walked into an alley where you continued to walk until some annoying pervs decided talking to you was fine.

You where shacking to your core but didn't show an ounce of fear as you talked like nothing bothered you.

"Hey pretty lady where is such a woman as yourself headed?"

You scuffed before feeling one of the man try and yank you towards himself.

You pushed him away with as much force as possible causing him to tumble towards the damp, dirty, ground.

You felt drizzling ran start to fall from the crying sky as your hair was being weighed down by the rain.

Your jacket became wet as the rain began to poor harder as every second went by.

Another boy from the drunk group of boys decided that he would grab you by your shoulder before trying to grope your clothes breast.

You yelped in surprise but where now frightened to the core and wishing this would stop.

You had picked the worst day to wear a dress since you had been at a party last night and had cane to end up needing to walk home so you stopped at a gas station that had a dinner where you had eaten breakfast before heading home and ending up in this situation.

You where brought back into reality when another one of the two boys came up behind you and tried touching your ass through the back of your dress

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You where brought back into reality when another one of the two boys came up behind you and tried touching your ass through the back of your dress.

His hand eventually slithered its way up your dress and grabbed your ass while saying revolting words.

"Nice ass bitch".

You almost screamed but your mouth was hushed by a hand that belonged to the man you had nocked onto the ground but was now standing I front of you.

The other two boys had backed away and where now making sure you didn't try any funny business.

The man had ordered one of the two boys to hold your arms behind your back so you could defend your self again.

He held your neck with a firm grip as he spoke to your face.

"listen to me bitch I'm going to have my easy with you no matter what you try and do".

He seethed with his revolting words that caused a feeling of worry and disgust to settle in the pit of your stomach.

But before he could get any further someone had butted in and started beating each guy to pulp.

You had been thrown to the floor by the man who had been holding your arms behind your back.

You rubbed your wrists to try and get rid of the feeling of some dirty scums hands gripping to tightly onto your flesh.

You sat on the ground I a flustered state until there was a man with the most noticeable blue eyes you had ever seen.

You couldn't rate your eyes away but you wouldn't forget them no matter how hard you could try they would stay inked into your memory for all he had done.

He was gone as fast as he came after grabbing your hands and lifting you from the wet ground.

You stood there in confusing but started running home as tears ran down your face.

You made it to your front door where you nocked frantically as you wiped some of your running mascara away.

You must look a mess but that was the last thought on your mind once your mother opened the door.

Her irresistible smile faded at the sight of you and embraced you in a hug.

The door closed as you to stood in the doorway to the kitchen.

Andy watched from a far as he was mad that he hadn't been there sooner to stop the men from ever touching a part of wasn't theirs to touch.

He turned away but was still with you in your heart even if you never knew it.

You soon went to your room where you tried falling asleep but whispered something first.

"Thank you".

Your gratitude may have been left unanswered but the man who saved you, Andy heard every word and felt every emotion.

Once hit head layer on your pillow you feel asleep without a worry left to haunt your pretty little head.

(Been a while have you missed me!?)~BvbFanEmma

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