Terrable Days Can Turn Great

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~Your POV~
You where sitting in a coffee shop when your boyfriend decided that your relationship wasn't working.  You were terribly lost to why he wanted to leave you. You were always doing what he asked and being the best girlfriend you could be.
Until he said something that brought you out of your thoughts.
"I cheated on you with someone else and I'm in love with her"
He replied witch caused anger to flash across your face. Why do people cheat.  Just leave me the yen go and move on don't cheat.
"Have fun with your new life with that girl you CHEATER!!!!"
You screamed so that everyone heard what he was before storming out of the coffee shop and walking down the street not watching were you were walking with rage flowing through your veins. You were trying to calm down since he wasn't worth you getting upset. All of a sudden you went crashing down as a man crashed into you, spilling his half drank hot coffee all over your black shirt. You started to cry letting out all of your emotions from the awful feeling of being cheated on and being mocked down and covered in very hot coffee that burned your chest.
You didn't mean to look like you were week or selfish for feeling sorry for yourself, when you just felt so down after all you had just had your boyfriend of 3 fudging years cheat on you.
"Are you okay. Oh my gosh I'm so sorry what have I done"
A deep male voice spoke as he apologized to you with so much worry in his voice.
"Are you hurt. I should have been paying more attention"
The man kept saying apologizes and putting himself to blame.
"No I wasn't watching were I was going *hiccup* I'm sorry *sniffles*".
You said to the man who was grabbing napkins and trying to dry you off while others just walked by in there own world.
"Can I give you a ride home at least, or hail you a cab?"
You cried again remembering you had nowhere to go because you lived with your ex boyfriend of 3 years.
"I don't have a home anymore"
You cried remembering while the nice man helped you up.
"My house it is then"
He whispered more  to himself then you but not in a creepy way he was very nice and only wanted to help the poor girl he nocked over and spilled very hot coffee on. You both walked to his car as you finally pulled it together and stopped crying so that you didn't look even more pathetic. He opened your door before you both got in and he drove off to his home.
Once you arrived at an apartment building you both proceeded to make your way inside and into the elevator.
You exited the elevator and walked quietly down the deserted hallway until reaching his apartment door. He motioned for you to take a seat on his couch while he proceeded to lock the door and head into a bedroom and grab a shirt then walk into his bathroom and dampen a towel with warm water. He gave you the shirt and towel and left to get you some water to drink in the kitchen while you removed your shirt and cleaned up the sticky coffee before putting on black v-neck shirt he gave you.
You held your shirt and the damp towel as he entered the room with caution.
"Are you finished changing can I open my eyes?"
He asked standing at the entrance from the kitchen to the living room with his eyes sealed shut with a glass of water in his hand.
"Yes I'm done and thank you"
You giggled at his childish actions and respecting behaviour.
He grabbed the towel and your shirt, handing you the glass of water while he walked away and placed them into what you guessed what his washer from the sound it gave off after he started a load. You sat down and sipped some of the cold water enjoying the cool feeling down your dry throat from all the crying. You could feel me more tears start to run down your cheeks as he came into the room all cheerful looking until he saw your tears and s sanders looked masked his face.
"Aww tell me what's wrong"
Andy whispered sticking out his bottom lip in a cute pout. He made his to the couch were he sat beside you on the couch and listened to what happened to make you so sad. You told him in destabilize what happened at the coffee shop with your ex boyfriend as you were a weeping girl on a strangers couch you must look pathetic you thought and awful from crying.
He brought you into tight friendly huge as he asked you a question.
"My names Andy Biersack. What's yours?"
"My names y/n. And thank you Andy for being a great friend"
You praised him in a kind and thankful tone to find a great friend. Andy jumped up surprising you and suggested you watch a movie.
A few minutes later you and Andy were snuggled as friends on the couch and watching batman together as you where in heaven feeling at home know that your hade Andy as an
amazing friend.

(Happy New Years!!!!!! 2016!!!!)

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