Fun Day

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hmm...? what the...? "WHERE AM I?!?!" I woke up and I see that i'm in large pj's...too large to be a girls... "oh you woke up. you took a good rest eh?" Aomine? what the.."what are you doing here?! and why are are you SHIRTLESS??"

"this is my room. and I was just about to put on a tank top but you woke up." then he started to put a black tank top on. oh...wait. what?! im at AOMINE'S house?!? "what am I doing here?!" he looked at me kind of shocked . "don't you remember what happened last night??" last night...OH! "did I..?" he nodded. "yep you cried and then fell asleep. I didn't know where you lived so I brought you here."

"o-oh...sorry.." he smiled a smile I've never seen him show before. "no problem little tiger!" I smiled back "haha thanks for comforting me though!" he blushed a little and just stared..."w-what? why so you always stare at me??" he looked away quickly. "n-no reason." well whatever.

"hey so I have question..." he looked back at me clueless. "what?" I kinda blushed a little. "so guessing these are your pj's....but uhmm... who changed me..?" he blushed deep red "I-I DIDN'T!! I T-TOLD KEI TO C-CALL HIS GIRLFRIEND OVER TO C-CHANGE YOU!!" he started panting heavily.

"o-okay. no need to yell.." I got out of the bed and stood up. "woah. your PJ's are huge..." he blushed at me when he looked my way "you're just tiny..." he's acting weird...I wonder what's up.

"can I have my clothes back?" Ive been wondering where they were. "they're in the dryer with my jersey." jersey? "you have a game today?" he started to dig in his back pocket "well here! this is a pass you can use to sit on the bench with my team! the coach wanted you to at least come to our practices and games if you didn't want to be on the team!"

I nodded and took the line-yard with the pass on it. "oh and since you were Toko's size she left some clothes for you." Toko..? who was that? " Who's Toko? your girlfriend??" he made a shout. "WHAT?! NO!! she's KEI'S girlfriend!!" ohhhh okay.

He walked to the living room and I followed then we sat next to each other on the couch. he began to talk again. "besides there's only one girl im interested in..." hmm? oh so he has a crush. "so you like someone then?" he blushed a little then scratched his cheek. "y-yeah. she's cute and smart. she can be sassy but its fun to tease her about it."

"well you don't need to change now since the game doesn't start until 2:30. Its still 8:30." hmmm. kinda bored. "hey." I looked toward him showing that he had my attention. "wanna play Mario kart? I bet that you'll lose!" haha now here's the fun. "you bet!"

We began playing and of course he picked Mario. I picked my favorite character, Yoshi. We were playing and of course I was winning! "haha you lose again!" how many times have I repeated this? " Dammit I know I know! oh I think the clothes are dry." we turned off the game and then walked to the dryer and took our clothes out. It was still 11:47 so we had some time to hang around the house.

"hey." he looked towards me "I think the girl you like will like you back! I mean its fun to have you around!" he blushed a little. did I say something out of line? "y-yeah I hope so." was all he said back.

His stomach growled and I started laughing. "do you have food in the kitchen? why don't we make some omelets??" he agreed and we went to the kitchen. I helped make the mix and poured it on the pan while he cooked them. He started flipping them and it was fun to watch. He almost dropped one and it turned quiet but then we started laughing again. It was fun.

We ate the omelets and after we went to go change clothes. I looked at the outfit that Toko had laid out for me. I undressed out of Aomine's comfy pj's and folded them. I started putting on the clothes. I was wearing pretty casual clothes. A black tee with a basketball on it and denim shorts. I walked out the room and then Aomine came out with matching clothes. He was wearing the exact same tee but with jeans.

"you going to change in the locker rooms there?" he replied 'yeah' and we left to the game. We walked in the huge gym and went into the locker room. When we walked in with matching clothes, everybody just started giggling and Aomine started blushing and started yelling at them to shut up. Some guy said something like "she's cute" but I couldn't really tell from all the laughing. Suddenly Aomine whacked the guy in the back if the head and was really pissed. The guy must've apologized over a million times.

Suddenly a girl with pink hair walked up to me and started hugging me and cried. "he came EARLY! thank the heavens for you coming in his life!!" she was suddenly pulled away by Aomine and then scolded at. He seemed frustrated. Why's he so pissed?

me and the pink haired girl were kicked out the locker room so the guys could change. "thanks for bringing him early. My names Momoi and I saw you when you beat him in that showdown at the school gym for 'special' dunkers. You were impressive for being your height." I thanked her and then changed the subject "he usually comes late? he woke up early today though!" I told her about what happened and she felt bad for my parent problem but said that Aomine was always a good person. "he probably woke up early since he wanted to spend more time with you." I smiled "if that's the case then it was fun!!"

she suddenly hugged me and squealed. "you're so CUTE!! no wonder he li-" I couldn't hear the rest since Aomine slammed the door open and dragged her away. She started apologizing and he sighed more. I still don't get why he blushes so much.

" the games about to start so you can sit with me on the bench!!" I nodded as I followed Momoi and the team out into the stadium. I sat on the bench but I could still feel the intensity on the court. The whole time I cheered for Aomine and they abolished the other team. The game was great and fun to watch.

today had been....such a fun day.

Aomine and the Tiger (kuroko no basket)Where stories live. Discover now