Momoi's Wallet

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I'm walking home alone now. Its morning and im hungry as heck. Last night Momoi drags me to his house because he wants to see me but he tells me to leave the next day?! what type of stupidity does he have?!

I sighed and continued to walk home. "hey you." I looked to see a familiar face. It was Kagami. "my name is not 'you', its Tora Hitsuragi!!" I think this is actually the first time i've said my last name. I don't really like people calling me formally so I never really tell anybody.

"Tora huh? well let's play basketball" It was quiet for a moment then I laughed at him so loud my belly started to hurt. "w-why are you laughing?! was it something I said?!" he was blushing so that his red hair was blending in with his face. "no no. its just that whenever you see someone who you acknowledge in basketball, you want to challenge them all the time! its like the only thing that processes through that head if yours!!" he laughed. "haha. I guess that's true. so you wanna play?" I nodded and we got to the courts.

"one on one" I smiled with excitement and the game began. I had the ball first and then he tried to block my plays. I bounced the ball between his legs and ran past him, rejoining my hand and the ball. He quickly turned around and kept up my running pace. "ha. Im not even running yet." he looked shocked as I disappeared from his view. I reappeared as I was about to dunk the ball.

He jumped, trying to hit the ball out my hands. He had contact with the ball but I pushed it through his hand and dunked. He fell to the floor as I held onto the hoop. I let my grip go and I landed on my feet.

"I still can't believe you can dunk." I smiled at him and helped him up. "you should believe it. Since you saw it a million times already." he smiled and then he stood up. We we're about to get some water until..

"Thief!! he stole my wallet!!!" It was Momoi!! I looked as I saw a man with a ski mask on and I began to run towards him as fast as I could. "Tora?!"

I left Kagami behind and sprinted towards the thief. I grabbed hold of the wallet and he turned around to face me. He suddenly let go of the wallet and pushed me into the building. He ran off quick and I stood up but then sudden pain ran through my head. I must've hit my head on the wall. I walked towards Momoi and handed her the wallet. "thanks alot Tora! ....Tora..?"

Kagami suddenly appeared before me. "Tora are you crazy?! you could've gotten hurt!!" I couldn't see him that well. My sight was fuzzy. "Tora...? you looked dazed." I can't keep my eyes open. My legs feel like there's weights on them. I can't stand up anymore...

"Tora!!! Tora!!!" he caught me and his eyes and Momoi's widened as they looked at his arm, where my head rested. all I could hear was Kagami yelling on a phone. "..we n..d an amb...lance now!! we' fr..nt of..." I couldn't hear that well anymore. Momoi pulled something out and stated screaming on the phone. It was the only thing I heard clearly. "Aomine!!!!! all of a sudden I saw bright flashing lights that looked blurred...

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