Mental Picture

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Everyone put their dishes into the sink and then I began washing them.When I finished I dried my hands and then untied my apron. I hung my apron up and then turned around. SMACK! "ouch!...last time I checked there wasn't a wall here.." I looked to see where I bumped my head and saw that it was inly Aomine. "who you calling a wall?" I frowned and then pointed at him. "you!" he chuckled and then threw me over his shoulder. "you're a brave little kitty aren't you?"

"w-where are we going?! put me down!!" He set me down in front of my room and then looked me straight in the eyes. "change." excuse me? what did he just say?! "why the he'll should I listen you?!" He clapped my cheeks and then came so close to my face that I could feel his warm breath crawl down my neck. "I said go change! we're going to play basketball with the team later."

I smiled and then pulled his hands off my cheeks. "you should've told me that first!!" I opened my door and then closed it. I changed quickly into work out clothes and then put ny socks and sneakers on. I opened my door and Aomine blinked a couple of times. "wow. that was fast." I looked at him and he was changed out of his PJ's as well. "like you're the one to talk." we laughed and then we grabbed water bottles on the way out of the house.

We walked to the usual basketball court and we waved towards the team that was waiting for us to arrive. We set our waterbottles down and then a cool breeze blew through the air and it felt relaxing. "its finally getting cooler." I nodded in agreement with Aomine. "let's warm up now!" We jogged around the court and then helped eachother stretch. We both stood up and then we stood on the court, deciding who's team should be on whose.

The game was about to begin. Me and Aomine were on opposing sides and we smiled at eachother. The ball was thrown into the air and Aomine reached to it first!! I quickly ran next to him and then we smiled as we ran next to eachother. Aomine spun quickly around me but then I didn't let him get off that easily. I looked towards gis hands and the ball wasn't there?! He actually passed?!

Aomine's teammate was just as surprised as I was. He quickly came back into reality and then ran down the court. "Sakurai! Fetch!" Sakurai quickly disappeared and reappeared behind Aomine's teammate while holding and dribbling the ball. Sakurai quickly threw the ball and then it flew down into the net. "im sorry...that im not sorry." I jogged over to Sakurai and then patted him on the head. "good puppy!" He seemed really happy and then Aomine dragged me away and then hugged me tightly. "stay away! this kitty is mine!!" everyone including me had the same thought. 'hes such a KID.' I used all the strength I could muster and then pushed our bodies apart.

We continued the game and then Aomine's teammate passed to him. "catch me if you can." I smirked at him as we swiftly ran down the court. "challenge accepted." Aomine quickly switched dribbling hands and then I stole the ball inbetween his transition. I spun around quickly and then passed to one of my teammates. "shoot it!" he was suddenly surrounded and then was trapped. I ran quickly and then he passed to me as I ran behind him.

I held the ball in one hand and then jumped. Aomine was neck yo neck with me and then swat the ball out of my hand. "Dammit!" In this game we ran back and forth continuously. Me and Aomine were still bursting with energy and we saw that our teammates were exhausted. We smiled and then stopped bouncing the ball. "water break!!" Everyone slumped to their water bottles and then drank vigorously. Me and Aomine sat on the bench and the team seemed to be talking about us but I couldn't hear so I shrugged it off. I drank the water and then smiled. "the water is cold and it feels nice!"

"they don't really look like a couple...more like best buds."

"yeah. but..."

Before I knew it Aomine was in lip to lip contact with me and then we disconnected. "yeah you're right." I blushed mad and then started punching him. "y-you didn't have to do that!!"

"nevermind. I take that back."

"told you so.."

Water break was over and then we jogged back onto the court. Everyone seemed energized and that's what makes a game fun. Soon the game ended and then we were tied. 73-73. Me and Aomine waved to the team and then we walked home which was in the opposite direction from their homes. We stopped by a store to buy some ice cream and then we ran into a tall purpled hair guy accompanied by a short red haired one. "oh im sorry." Aomine looked at them and then frowned. "man. I didn't want to bump into okaa-san and the giant here." what?

They all started laughing and then started talking. I looked towards Aomine with a face that showed I was confused. "Well this is my girlfriend Tora. Tora, the purple head is Murasakibara and the red head is Akashi. They were my teammates in the Generation of Miracles." I smiled and then I noticed the purple head was looking at my ice cream. "you like mango too?" I nodded and then we drifted off into a conversation that mango candy was the most delicious of them all. Aomine and Akashi sighed at how we can never get over mangos. Me and Murasakibara calmed down and I looked towards a staring Akashi.

He looked me up and down then started asking me questions.

"favorite color?"


"disliked foods?"

"nothing in particular."

"2 favorite movies?"

"Spirited Away and Hotarubi No Mori E."

His eyes began to sparkle and then he held my hands. "those are my favorite movies too!" Quickly we began to talk about our favorite parts in both movies. We stopped and everyone looked at eachother. We all began to laugh at how we all connected wierdly. Aomine suddenly pulled them close and the. whispered something into their ears. I couldnt hear what he said but i dont like to pry. They both smiled at me and nodded. Aomine seemed happy and we all walked to the register and payed for our things. We waved bye to them both and we headed home. "Im glad they liked you. It would be a problem if they didn't." I looked towards him as I bit my ice cream. "how so?" He blushed a little and then looked the other way, hiding his face. "n-nevermind. but there's two more left now." two more left? what's he talking about?

I shrugged it off and then we tossed our ice cream sticks into the trash can. We turned the corner and then walked down the neighborhood. "Tora. let's go meet someone tomorrow." I looked at him and then gave a little nod. "sure. I don't mind." We walked into the house and then we walked into our bedrooms. I grabbed my towel and then walked to the shower. I showered quickly and I felt all the sweat flow down and into the drain. I turned it off and then wrapped a towel around me which barely covered my bottom. I opened the door to see Aomine opening it. He was only wearing a towel around his waist and we blushed furiously. We both shut the door and then we opened it again. "let's switch sides..." we walked passed eachother and he walked into the shower as I quickly changed into my PJ's. I heard him turn the water on as I finished changing. I turned on the blowdryer and then dried my hair. I combed it out when. I finished and then I grabbed my dirty clothes and towel.

I ran out and into my bedroom. I threw my dirty clothes into the basket and hung my towel to let it airdry. I shut off the lights and then laid on my bed. "sleepy..." I slowly pushed that mental picture of Aomine in a towel and then closed my eyes. I curled up and then I let my dreams slowly take advantage of my tired body.

I hate mental pictures. They're so hard to delete.



I suggest that you watch Hotarubi No Mori E!! Its a short 45 minute anime movie! it is worth it. trust me. oh and im going to be writing a fanfic of it too so you should check that out soon too! I named it Touch. If you watched it, you will know where I kind of got my title from. I love you my reading fans! :3

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