No Holding Back

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I im being this...a dream? I feel warm and safe fading away. It left me on something comfortable but...I don't want this...I want the warmth. Its cold here....don't go...oh...I feel something brushing the hair out my face...its...warm...I want to see it.

I slowly opened my eyes and my sight fixated. "sorry did I wake you?" I looked next to me and saw that Aomine was sitting on the bed next to me. " you didn't. I just COINCIDENTALLY woke up from my nap while you were touching my hair." He chuckled and then ruffled my hair up. "ill take that as a yes." I growled as i fixed my hair and then I looked at him a little worried. "are you sure you should be up yet?" He smiled and then kissed me on the cheek. "yeah im all better because somebody took really good care of me!"

I socked him in the arm and then told him to say thank you NORMALLY. "hey at least i dont call people 'stupud big kitty'!!" Stupid big kitty? Where did i hear that...?....OH. I jerked a bit and looked at him. " heard that..?" He smiled and then pinned me onto the bed. "yep. every. single. word." I felt a small blush crawl up to my cheeks but I fought it back. "but!! you were sleeping!!" He smiled and leaned in closer achieving his panther pose. "I heard you when I was dreaming."

Darn it! We were about to have lip to lip contact until BAM!! The door flew open and someone familiar stood there. Momoi! "TORA I HEARD YOU GOT A CAT~!!" She realized what she had done and her smile slowly turned into a face full of fear with Aomine giving her a death glare. Aomine stood up and then picked Suzu up and tossed her into Momoi's arms. Suzu hissed at Aomine but Aomine hissed fiercely back."There! Now go play with the stupid cat!" He slammed the door in Momoi's face and then resumed the panther pose. "okay now let's get down to business."

I felt a vein pop and then tossed him off of me. "stupid big kitty." I stood up and then grabbed the bowl that used to hold cold water and the towel. I swiftly walked by him and then used one free hand to gold the handle of the door. "hey don't go yet.." I looked at him and he looked a little dissappointed. I sighed and then walked back towards him and pecked him on the cheek. "okay happy now? I have to make dinner so wanna help me?" He smiled and then opened the door wide open for me. "yeah. I was going to help anyway."

I smiled at his honesty and then swiftly walked down the stairs with the bowl full of water. I walked into the kitchen and then washed the bowl and the towel. "so what should we make?" He was about to answer but then I cut him off. "no curry." He frowned and then thought while placing his fingers on his chin. I thought pretty hard too. I looked in the fridge for what was inside. about.. I smiled really big and then started pulling ingredients out. He looked at me for an explanation. I looked towards him happy as ever. "let's make stir fry!!" He looked at me and then smiled while rubbing my head. "anything that makes you happy little kitty."

I smiled and then told Aomine what to do while I did my part. We laughed and had fun cooking and then we finally finished. We set the table and then I called Kei and Momoi to the kitchen to eat. Aomine looked at me and then looked really curious. "why stir fry though?" I smiled a little sad and looked at the stir fry.

"it was the first dish my mom taught me how to cook.." He smiled reassuringly and then ruffled my hair up. "oh cheer up! you have me now!!" I smiled sarcastically to him and laughed. "like that's supposed to be a good thing?!" He suddenly gave me a funny expression kind of like this: -__- I laughed and then he joined me in on the laughing. Momoi and Kei came inside the kitchen and Momoi was still holding a resisting Suzu.

I laughed at how Momoi was trying to get Suzu to like her but was covered in scratch marks in the end. I poured cat food into Suzu's bowl and she leapt on the floor to eat. We all sat around the table with our plates infront of us. 'itadakimasu!' We all got our share of stir fry and ate while happily talking.

After we finished Kei said that he'd wash dishes and Momoi wanted to clean the table. I wanted to help but they wouldn't let me. "NOPE! you were taking care of Aomine all day already so we'll at least do this!!" I frowned but then smiled at them. Me and Aomine walked up stairs and then into my room. "uhm...can you get out..?" He frowned at me and pulled me into a hug. "why? I always come in here." I blushed lightly as he crept his face closer and was about to kiss me. "I-Im going to take a b-bath!!" He stopped and then sighed. "fine alright." He broke away slowly and then walked out the room while closing the door. I grabbed my door and then grabbed my undergarments. The reason I don't want him in here is because he'll see me grabbing them. It'd be pretty awkward right?

I grabbed a pair of PJ's too and then opened the door. I held my undergarments and covered it with my towel and PJ's so nobody would see. I quickly walked to the bathroom and then locked the door behind me. I put my clothes on the counter and towel on the towel rack. I changed out of my clothes and then threw them in a basket that held my dirty clothes. Me, Aomine, and Kei had our own baskets and laundry to wash.

I opened the bathroom door and then saw that the bath was already ready. Did Aomine do this when I was still in my room? I smiled and then crept into the hot bath water. "refreshing.." I let out a heavy sigh of relaxation and then I heard something move beyond the door where my clothes lay. It stopped so I shrugged it off as nothing. I relaxed enough and I turned the shower on and washed my long black hair. I turned the shower off and then grabbed my towel from the rack. I opened the door and dried my hair with my towel wrapped around me. Then I looked for my clothes.

"where is it?? Im sure it was here!" I looked and saw black fabric and lace. "no.." I saw that my undergarments were still here but these aren't my clothes-ehem- MAID CLOTHES!! Momoi!!! She did this!! I threw on my undergarments and the maid dress. I slammed the door open and ran downstairs where I heard Momoi laughing. "MOMOI!!!" I grabbed her by the collar of her shirt and Kei and Aomine were watching (shocked to see what I was wearing). "WHERE ARE MY PJ'S MOMOI?!" She giggled at me and I let her go. Aomine and Kei were still shocked. "Tora what are you wearing?!"

Aomine blushed mad and Kei looked the other way to keep himself alive from Aomine. Momoi giggled more and I was super red from wearing this thing. All of a sudden I was lifted up and I looked to see what was happening. Aomine picked me up and was running up the stairs! He opened my door and threw me onto the bed and locked the door behind me. He threw a new pair of PJ's (short and tanktop) at me and looked the other way. "change right now!!" I quickly changed when I had the chance and told him that he could turn around. He shut off the lights and then faced me. Suddenly he tackled me and pinned me onto the bed but his grip was so strong I couldn't break out!! He suddenly kissed me on the forehead and then the cheek. He kissed me on the lips multiple times and then he untangled our lips and I gasped for air while my cheeks were red and flushed. He leaned in closer and then breathed on my neck which made me shiver. He whispered into my ears with a voice that I can't resist.

"I can't hold back."

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