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After the game everyone changed and we walked down the streets. They were loud and seemed like a big happy family. Even if they fought alot they would laugh it off in the end. I felt left out since ive never felt what a real family was for a long long time. Momoi and the team turned around and looked at me who seemed to slow down. "Tora? why don't you come eat with us?"

"n-no. I have to go now.." I waved good bye and left. they all seemed worried from their expressions but they didn't say anything. "Aomine? where's Aomine?"

since today was a Saturday I had the day off. I walked into a fast food restaurant and ordered a hamburger. The seats were filled with loud obnoxious high-schoolers. I needed a quiet place to sit and I saw someone who was sitting alone. He had light blue hair and eyes. He looked pretty unsociable but then again. Don't judge people without knowing them.

"excuse me.." he looked my way and then stopped drinking his shake. "yes?" he seemed pretty shocked for some reason..." can I uh..sit here with you?" he nodded and I sat across from him.

"how did you notice me?" I looked at him "why shouldn't I notice you? you're not a ghost so there shouldn't be any reason to not see you. why do you ask?" he smiled "its the first time someone noticed me without me speaking up besides Takao." takao? who's that?

"oh. well to me you stand out. do you play a sport?" he blinked a few times. "yeah? how can you tell?" I smiled. "because I can feel that vibe from you. what sport do you play anyway?" he smiled as he replied. "basketball." man does EVERYONE love basketball now?? "so what your name?" I blinked a couple of times. "Tora. and you?" he replied. "kuroko"

I felt a little bored "hey you wanna play in the courts? I need a workout since I've been relaxing all day long" he looked away from his shake. "sure. can I call in some people too? just two people isn't fun." I nodded and he called some numbers and we walked to the courts.

when we got there some guys were waiting and they waved to us. When I followed behind Kuroko then the guys started to introduce themselves.

"Im Izuki. Im going to play on your team."

"Im Hyuga. I'm also playing on your team. oh and this big guy here is Mitobe. he doesn't talk much. He's going to play on Kuroko's team. now where's that hot-head at?"

"who you calling hot head?!" a huge guy came up and he had red hair and a sharp gaze. "I'm Kagami and im playing on Kuroko's team." This was going to be fun.

It was a 3 on 3 team play and I couldn't wait to let out all that energy I bottled up today until I felt someone pull his arm around my neck. I turned to look. "Aomine?! what are you doing here?!?" He looked mad. "what am I doing here? what are YOU doing here. I thought you were feeling down again and here I find you meeting up with guys to play basketball!" oh...he has a point...

suddenly BAM! A ball was thrown to Aomine! "hey. watch who youre throwing it to." Kagami laughed. "let's play." Aomine sighed. "Im not in the mood for playing. I just played a game today. Play her, you'll have ALOT more fun. trust me." Aomine handed the ball to me. "if you can beat him, i'll buy you ice cream." damn I love ice cream. "sure!!!"

Kagami seemed disappointed. "ill go easy on your guys team since you're a girl." I felt a vein pop. before I could say anything Aomine took the words right out if my mouth. "don't underestimate her. she'll beat you a hundred times worse than she would have if you had shut up." I smiled at him. "get your money ready Aomine. You'll need it to buy my ice cream."

Aomine and the Tiger (kuroko no basket)Where stories live. Discover now