My Protective Wall

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I made it to the train station in time and it was packed. Damn it! how can I FORGET?!

After I got in the train a whole mess of people rushed in after me. It was so packed you couldn't even move when the train shook. Suddenly I felt something touching my leg. I looked behind me and it was a man wearing glasses. He smirked at me when I looked at him. I panicked and I couldn't get anything to come out of my mouth until...

BAM! The man got punched in the face so hard it shook the crowd when he fell backwards. I looked to see who had helped me. Aomine!

He looked really scary- as if he was going to murder somebody. He threatened to swing again and that was when I was able to move my legs. I jumped towards him and held his arm. He looked at me with murderous eyes and when he noticed it was me, he calmed down and dropped his arm slowly to his side.

He grabbed my arm and the crowd made way for us since they all witnessed the scene. He made me stand by the door and he had both arms on the sides of me, guarding like a wall.

It was silent between us the whole ride on the train. We got off and then we walked out of the train station and onto the sidewalk. Wait- why is he following me?

"what are you doing here?" he looked towards me and replied. "I wanna see you in the sports festival, so I came to watch." he came to WHAT?

"so you're DITCHING school?!" he smiled as I yelled. "nope. today the coach called the school to tell them that we're going on a field-trip." Wait. "DID YOU TELL EVERYBODY?!" He picked me up princess style and smiled. "yeah I did. so let's hurry up and get to your sports festival."

We arrived at my school and the whole team was in the front waving at us. Aomine put me down and I took a deep breath. "WHY ARE ALL OF YOU HERE!?!" They all smiled and hugged me. "to cheer you on!!" Aomine suddenly pulled me out of their arms and growled at them. They all moved a foot away from me.

Aomine set me back down and looked at me. "what sport are you participating in?" The whole team looked at me and waited for an answer as well. "soccer, tennis, volleyball, swimming, and basketball. ." they all looked like statues. "ALL OF THOSE?!"

I frowned and looked at them. "what? I always did these sports. I only added basketball this year." they all sighed and then they all smiled. "we'll be cheering for you in the crowd!" I smiled back at them. "thanks!"

Suddenly the ground felt like it was shaking! A whole crowd of people came running towards us!! "HITSURAGI-SAN!!!!!" oh no. its the soccer team! "YOU NEED TO GET READY NOW!!" They grabbed me and then ran towards the locker rooms.

I looked behind to see the team and Aomine looking shocked. I pointed my finger towards the soccer field. "go wait over there!! ill be playing in a bit!!"

The soccer team threw me into the girls locker room and closed the door. "get dressed!" I frowned and pulled out my work-out clothes.

"today is going to be louder than usual."

Aomine and the Tiger (kuroko no basket)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن