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I looked into his eyes and sighed. "then don't hold back and sleep." He smirked a little and slumped on top of me then fell dead asleep. His body is still tired from being sick. That's why I asked if it was alright if he was getting up. And besides. If he meant the OTHER hold kick him without hesitation. I mean, we've only been going out for a couple weeks. I don't care if he can't hold back, he'll have to without objection.

I pushed him off of me and then pulled the blanket over him. I sighed and then frowned. "dammit. he's sleeping on my bed again." I began walking away from my bed until his sleep talking stopped me. "nmmm...Tora..." I smiled a little and then crawled into the bed next to him. "well its MY bed anyway..." We were facing different directions so we were back to back. I heard his breathing and felt his warmth on my back. I slowly closed my eyes and began drifting into a deep sleep until...CLOMP!

Aomine rolled over and was hugging me now!! "darn it! get let go of me!!" He hugged me tighter as I tried to break out and I gave up from his panther grip. I let out a groan and then he snuggled into me more. He was breathing down my neck and it gave me shivers. I squirmed and tried to change positions so he would stop but nothing worked. I decided to just ignore it and sleep. It was really difficult but somehow I grasped onto my dreams.

~next day~

"urgh..." The sun was shining though a crack from my curtains and into my eyes. I tried tolling over but I couldn't. "what the-" I felt simething wrapped around me from behind. ohhh. here's my big problem. Aomine was hugging me tightly and I guess he never let go the whole night. "Aomine wake u-!" suddenly he squeezed harder!! "Im awake so be quiet." I blinked a couple of times and tried breaking out of his grasp. "then let go!!" he chuckled and then squeezed harder.

I squirmed and fought and then he finally let go, amused of my wasted effort to escape. I gasped for air after moving so much and because it was so hot. He smirked at me when I tried to run out of my room and then picked me up under my arms. "h-hey that's not fair!!!" He laughed at me and I tried to move but I couldn't reach the floor and I wasn't facing him so I couldn't punch him. He then, threw me over his shoulder and walked out the room and down the stairs, proudly carrying me like a golden trophy.

He finally set me down and then I pinched his cheeks on both sides. "you mean kitty!! how dare you use my height as an advantage!!" He laughed and started petting my head like I was a kitty. It pissed me off to the point where I yelled at him and meant it. "NO CURRY FOR A WHOLE MONTH!!" He stopped and then sat on the sofa. "fine..." I smiled at my achievement and he frowned with boredom.

I took out the wok (a type of pan) and then threw some rice on it. "breakfast is going to be fried rice." I added the ingredients and faded the rice with the spoon. I smiled and then poured it into a serving bowl. I set it on the table and then brought the plates out. I walked out of the kitchen and knocked on Kei's door. "Kei. time for breakfast." I heard him reply from inside his room and I walked back into the kitchen. I untied my apron and then hung it back on the hook.

I turned on the TV and slipped in a disc, then sat at the kitchen table. It was my favorite movie. 'Spirited Away'. Aomine sat at the table next across from me and watched it as well. Kei walked in as well and sat next to Aomine. We each got our servings and continued to watch the movie. "what movie is this??" Me and Kei looked at Aomine with dropped jaws. "you've never seen this movie?!?" He shook his head and both me and Kei sighed in disappointment. "just watch it." me and Kei both in synch said.

The whole dinner time we ate slowly and watched Spirited Away. When it ended Aomine started shouting. "she should've just turned around to stay with Haku forever!" me and Kei nodded our heads in agreement. "is there another part?" me and Kei looked sadly at eachother and frowned. "nope. just one." Aomine seemed really irritated and both me and Kei laughed.

There was a rally warm feeling when I was with Aomine and Kei like this. I remember this feeling all too well.

The feeling of a happy family.



If you haven't watched Spirited Away, I HIGHLY suggest it for you to watch. It really is my favorite movie :) Its a great movie and I wished they would've made more but sadly no :(. but it still is a MUST WATCH!! Oh and sorry for the delay on updating! Spring testing takes a toll on everyone! thank you my patient and lovely readers :3

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