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It was dark and there weren't any people out. "hey Aomine! quit it!" he was walking quickly while pulling on my arm. "no." did he just say NO?! "stop being a little brat and let go!" he suddenly stopped in his tracks."h-hey. Aomine? are you mad??" He turned his face towards my direction, still holding onto my arm. "IM NOT JUST MAD IM PISSED!!" he shouted so loud it made me jump. "w-why?? i wasnt even doing anything!!" he looked like he was going to murder someone. "didnt do anything?!? you call flirting and smiling with Kuroko 'not doing anything'?!?"

F-FLIRTING?!? "why would i flirt with Kuroko?!" he stared me down like a tiger would eye its prey. " really didnt try to hit on him?" i sighed heavily . " WHY would i do that in the first place?! i BARELY met the guy!" he still stared at me. "whatever then." and he let go of my arm. He still tried to look tough but you could tell his expression softened and the tension faded away. why is he so mad over a little compliment i gave Kuroko?

"hey." i looked at him when he spoke up. "what??" he grabbed my hand "lets go to my place. we're having basketball practice tomorrow and you should come watch so stay the night at my place." i smiled brightly. "sure!" another chance to kick his butt in mario kart. besides...its too gloomy at my apartment...and i like the brightness of his house.

We got to his house and we went inside. There was an extra pair of shoes and they were a girls. Kei and a girl popped out "Daiki-nii! Toko is going to stay over a bit but she'll go home around 10 okay?" I looked at the girl. She was my size and had short hair. She was really cute. She matched Kei perfectly.

We sat down in the living room and I sat next to Toko. "So Tora..?" I looked towards her. "yes?" she smiled. "you're so pretty!! When I was changing your clothes, your body was beautiful as well!" Everyone included me blushed (besides Toko).

"T-TOKO!!" Kei stuttered. "d-dont say things like that out loud!!" she freaked. "o-oops!! im s-sorry!!" I kept in telling her it was alright but she kept on apologizing. Yep. She's the perfect match for Kei.

Me and Aomine drank some water as Toko asked a question. "Tora, are you and Aomine dating? because you guys are like, meant for eachother!!" me and Aomine reacted the same "POOOSHHHH!!!" We spat out our water and coughed on it. We both replied at the same time. "NO!" We both were blushing like crazy.

"They're not dating but Daiki-nii li-" Kei was about to finish his sentence until Aomine grabbed him in a headlock and dragged him out of the room. "that was weird." Toko looked at me and smiled. "sooo~ do you like him?" of course I liked him. he was fun to hang out with. "yeah? I like him?" she frowned and shook her head. "No! do you LIKE LIKE him. as in a CRUSH!"

"WHAT?!" I blushed when she defined what she meant by 'like'. I've never though of him like that. I always knew I got a lot happier when I saw him and that my heart beats faster when he was around. "WAIT. is this the cause of my irregular heartbeat when he is around?!" she looked at me and then started LAUGHING. "HAHAHAHA!! yeah!! that's why! but you didn't have to say it all sciency and stuff hahahaha!!" damn it. so I like him? it explains everything! why I get frustrated around him. why I get happy when we hang out together. Why my heart beats faster when he teases me. Damn it! this was NOT part of the plan!!

suddenly the door flew open and Aomine walked in the room. "hey where's Kei?" Aomine smiled evily. "Oh he's SLEEPING." he did something. I know it. "what did you do." he laughed like an evil lots this time. "HAHAHAHA. I threw him into the wall and he knocked out so I put his noisy loudmouth into bed." I knew it. I sighed and sat up. "c'mon Toko I'll walk you home." She got out if her seat and sighed. "and so much was happening too...darn it." and we walked out the house. She didn't live far. Only a couple of blocks away. I dropped her off and we waved goodbye. I started walking back and I saw someone hide behind the pole. "stop being a stalker and get out here you idiot." It was Aomine. He walked towards me and looked down on me. "If you were going to come you should've just walked with us instead of following us. "you knew I was following you guys? damn it."

"WHO WOULDN'T?! YOU'RE A FRIKKING GIANT!!" He laughed and we started to walk back to his house. As we were walking a rat suddenly jumped out from a dumpster. "KYAAA!!" as i instinctively took a few steps to the right I suddenly lost balance and was falling. *oh no!* I was ready to be caught by the ground...until something else caught me.

"be careful you klutz!" Aomine had caught me before I fell and then picked me up princess style. "h-hey! I could still walk! put me down!" he smirked at me. "no." I growled at him hut even more than that my heart was racing and my face was burning with a fiery blush. "stop acting like a brat!!" I tried to squirm out but if I did I would fall. darn it. "heh. I don't mind being called a brat. but you should be called one too since you tripped so childish-like" damn his smart remarks!

We finally got to the house and I kept on bugging him to let me down but he walked up stairs, opened the door, and threw me on the bed. "you can sleep in my room tonight. I'll sleep on the couch." he was about to turn around and leave but I had to ask him. "hey, why did you get mad when I was complimenting Kuroko?" he twitched and looked my way. he was blushing red but he had a pissed look on his face. "I told you I wasn't mad! I was pissed!" okay. what is the stupid difference? "well then, why were you pissed?" he ruffled his hair. "because you were..." I couldn't hear him. "i was what?" he shouts it this time. "because i was jealous! you were smiling at kuroko and you've always shown me and ONLY me that smile!" I blushed the same red as him.

"w-what?! I was only being nice to him!!"

"So does that mean you were just being nice to me too then?!"


"no? so what then?"

"ARGH! it was just different with you! I dont know why but it just is! I don't even think of smiling but I smile anyway! you see what you did to me?!" I panted and huffed. I looked the other way so he couldnt see my face. I threw the blanket

over me. He pulled on the blanket.

"hey let me see your face."

"no! you'll make fun of me!"

"I wont so let me see!"

We fought over the blanket but hes stronger than me so he pulled it off easily. I hid my face with my hands. He must've seen that my ears were red because he touched them. He suddenly grabbed my chin with one hand and held my hands down with his other. He basically pinned me down. I must've been making a weird expression as I tried to squirm out of his grasp. "damn it...stop making that face.."

"what other face could I make?!" I blushed and I felt so REVEALED. He slowly let go and got up off the bed. "well im going to sleep now." I blurted out. "wanna just split the bed since its king sized?" he turned around quickly, shocked to hear that statement. "o-okay." Darn it. I should shut my mouth more often. We split the bed by separating it with a long pillow. He tuned off the lights and lied back down onto the bed. I could feel him from the other side of the pillow. His breathing calmed me down and I slowly drifted into my dreams. slowly...

Aomine and the Tiger (kuroko no basket)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora