Original and Copy

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The game was about to begin. The boys were cheering for me and the girls were cheering for Kise.

The whistle blew and the ball was thrown into the air. Me and Kise jumped for the ball. Kise reached it first since his arm length was obviously longer than mine and then smirked. He passed to his (super abusive) friend and I saw how his friend looked away, carelessly, and I stole the ball from his hands. I sprinted down the court and Kise began to follow. I gave Kise that smile I always gave him when I was going to do something he wasn't expecting.

I ran even faster and disappeared from his sight. Without him watching, I jumped for the dunk. I made it in and he looked at me as I hung from the hoop. "w-when did you-" I smiled at his amazement. "you can't copy what you can't see." he smiled back and he picked up the ball. "that's true. but ill surpass the original and BECOME the original."

I smiled at his challenge and I knew- this was going to be fun.

He threw to one of his teammates and my teammate covered his plays. He quickly hit the ball out of his hands and then I quickly grabbed the ball. I ran down the court and then Kise stood in front of me. "one on one." I laughed at him and he smiled. I passed to my teammate and I gave no clues that I was. Kise looked shocked and then jumped for the ball but I jumped in front of him, making a screen. He gritted his teeth as he saw my teammate throw a 3 pointer. I jogged past him and whispered. "Sorry Kise, but I have teammates for a reason."

He started to gain speed. He picked up the ball and quickly threw it as I wasn't looking. He wanted a fast break. He threw it behind me to the left and thought I wasn't aware of his actions."well i have teammates too!" I extended my left arm and caught the ball without even looking back at it. Everyone looked shocked and I turned around to face a defeated looking Kise. I quickly ran up towards him while dribbling. As I ran past him I giggled.

"Pretty boy. There's a damn difference between an original, and a copy." I ran towards the hoop and Kise spun around quickly to only see my back. I jumped and dunked so hard that the glass of the backboard broke. I held the hoop in my hand and walked towards Kise who still looked zoned out. I handed him the hoop and we linked eyes. "an original is real and a copy is fake."

I brushed by him and walked off the court.

Teammate: "hey! the game isn't over ye-"

Kise: "no. it is. we lost."

I jogged towards the team and I smiled. The team jumped and then Aomine pulled me out of the way again. "is something wrong with your legs?!" they all frowned and replied 'no'. The sun began to set now. I grabbed my bag and we all walked to the front gates. I waved goodbye to the team and Aomine grabbed my arm and pulled me away.

He let go of my arm after turning me around. "hey watch it." I frowned at him and he looked at me. "you did good today." I smiled at him and he reached his hand out to me. "Let's go home." I smiled and handed him my sports bag. He looked pissed and I smiled at him. "I wanted your hand." I laughed and looked at him. "I know."

He sighed but we continued walking. We got to the train station and then rode the train. There wasn't anybody on the train so then we sat next to eachother. I remember leaning against Aomine and dozing off and then everything went black.

Tora....Tora..TORA!! I shot my eyes open and he sighed. "we get off here." I rubbed my eyes and then stood up. I was sleepy after all these sports. Since I was sluggish I couldn't really walk at my normal pace. I held onto the bottom of Aomine's shirt and he sighed at me but continued to walk. I followed him by holding his shirt and we finally got home.

He walked me towards my room and I nodded but didn't say anything. "too tired to talk too huh?" I nodded and then I grabbed my bag. I set it down by my bed and then closed the door in Aomine's face. I threw on a big shirt that Aomine had left in my room and crawled onto my bed tired, not caring about throwing the blanket on me. I was only wearing my undergarments and his shirt and it comfortable. It was peaceful until he slammed the door open. "DON'T JUST CLOSE IT IN FRONT OF MY FACE!!"

We looked at eachother for a good minute and he turned bright red. "d-dont just wear a t-shirt!! (her underwear is showing!!)" I looked dazed towards him and whined. "Aomine...im sleepy..." he turned even more red but then walked towards my bed and pulled the blankets over me. "go to sleep." I nodded and then snuggled into my blanket. He turned the light off and closed the door on his way out. I smiled and then began to rest my tired body.

"wow Daiki-nii. you're holding back QUITE ALOT."

"s-shut up..."

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