Chapter 1: Meeting her

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After a long and fun night over Veronica's house, Cheryl thought it was time to cut ties and head back home.

Cheryl lived around the corner from Veronica, so she walked instead of driving.

The current time was 7:30 pm. The sun was beginning to set.

On the way home, Cheryl always cuts through a very small alley due to her home being at the end of it.

As she walked she came across some noises on the side of the huge trash can.

At first it had startled her causing her to freeze up until she noticed they were little cries.

The redhead walked towards the little cries until she came upon a small brown skinned girl.

The small girl had bruises and cuts all over her body including her face. Once she saw Cheryl she cried even harder and began backing further up against the trash can.

She was so frightened that she had thought the redhead might hurt her. She had long curly brown hair with dirty blonde highlights with light brown eyes.

"Oh no sweetheart, I'm not going to hurt you" Cheryl said with the look of worry in her eyes. She got closer to the girl and handed her hand out to the girl signaling her that it's okay.

The small girl hesitated and then took the offering hand of Cheryl's.

"It's almost dark. Why are you out here by yourself" The redhead asked with concern in her voice.

"M-Mommy and d-daddy kicked me out" the smaller girl responded with her lips trembling.

After hearing the girls voice, Cheryl knew right then that she was indeed a little. She didn't want to get too excited about it though due to the littles she had in the past.

"Sweetheart, what's your name?" Cheryl asked the small girl.

"I's T-Toni T-Topaz" she said in a small soft voice.

"Awww she's so cute" the redhead thought to herself.

"Toni if you don't mind me asking, where did you get all of these cuts and bruises from?"

Cheryl was very concerned for the small girls current state.

"M- My mommy a-and daddy abuses me" the small girl mouthed adding a small whimper due to the pain.

Cheryl was so hurt by the girls words and all she wanted to do is give the small girl the love and care she really deserved.

Cheryl felt really bad for the girl and the fact that her own parents would do that to her. Cheryl also noticed that the girl was really thin.

"Baby, when's the last time you ate?"

"I no no" she said with hurt in her voice.

"Okay how about we go to the hospital and get you all better, yeah?" Cheryl suggested waiting for the small girl to respond.

The small girl nodded but was to weak to stand on her own, so she made grabby hands signaling Cheryl to carry her.

Cheryl picked up the small girl and realized that it had been really long since the girl ate due to how light she was.

Cheryl got to her house with Toni and went inside for a split second. She assumed that of course the girl had to of been thirsty, so she got a princess sippy cup and filled it up with milk.

She handed her the cup and she quickly began to drink it.

"Slow down, love. You don't want to make yourself sick" Cheryl said to Toni watching as she slowed down a bit.

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