Chapter 2: Mommy

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It's been a month since I have gotten full custody of Toni and it's been a challenging but yet beautiful month with her. The first few days of her being here, she kept having nightmares about her parents beating and starving her.

Over the passed month, I realized that Toni's headspaces run between the ages of 1 month to 2 years old. Most of the time she's in her baby headspace.

Right now she's taking a nap. She's been really fussy today.

Since the last doctors visit, I managed to help her gain a little weight. I try not to overfeed her because I don't want her to get sick.

In the mornings I give her pediasure due to her not really liking breakfast all that much. Just to give her a little head start.

She also loves milk, so I try to keep that in the house. I mostly give it to her before nap and bedtime.

Toni is very clingy as well. Her parents neglected her for so long that she doesn't trust anyone but me.

The first time I left her in her nursery alone, she woke up screaming because she thought I had left her and didn't want her.

I felt so bad for the small girl and for the first two weeks I let her sleep with me and began slowly transitioning her to her nursery.

For her bruises and cuts, they had healed pretty well and she's feeling a lot better.

I was in the kitchen making Toni a snack for when she woke up, until I hear her on the baby monitor whining and saying "mommy".

I wasn't sure if she was referring to me or she was having a dream about her 'mom' so I headed to her nursery.

As I walked in, Toni was standing up in her crib and again said "mommy" with her lip poked out while also making grabby hands for me to pick her up.

"She was referring to me" I thought.

"Me? I'm mommy?" I asked just to clarify and she responded with a nod.

I kind of dropped a tear and pulled her into a tight hug, planting a kiss on her forehead and then pulled away realizing that it's a bit warm.

"Baby are you not feeling good today?" I asked while looking at her sweaty and exhausted face.

"Mommy I no fweel gwood" she said beginning to whimper a little.

I nodded and began to take her downstairs and take her temperature.

"Awww baby you have a fever. Let's get you some meds and a warm bath" I say taking her back upstairs.

I give her some medicine and sat her down on the counter while I ran her bath water.

As I am running her bath water she begins to whine and reach for me.

"Hold on baby" I said making it worse as she begins to scream.

It's gonna be a long day.

"Hey, I'm right here. It's okay" I say to the small girl. She still reaches for me, so I just pick her up and continue getting her bath water ready.

I put some tear free bubble bath in the water and the bath was ready.

I start to undress Toni and sit her in the water. I could tell it was somewhat relaxing to her by the way she relaxed her body.

A few minutes went by, Toni looked up at me.

"What's wrong, baby?" I asked with a concerned look.

"Mommy in?" Toni said pointing to the water.

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