Chapter 26: Nap time

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It's about 2pm and right now I'm regretting a lot.

I decided I wanted to go shopping and my intentions were to be home by one, but that obviously didn't happen and now I'm dealing with a grumpy Toni.

It's passed her nap time and I'm paying for it.

She's been real whiny and on the way home she was dozing off until we got home and I removed her from her seat and everything went left from then on.

She's so tired and her screaming says it all.

Oh and did I mention that I got scolded by both Betty and my girlfriend?

In my defense both Toni and I needed new clothes and shoes, but of course, as usual, I got a little too carried away.

Luckily the boys weren't asleep because that would've been another level of hell.

Betty grabbed Toni and took her upstairs while I brought in everything.

"You could've waiting until after her nap to go shopping with her" Ve said.

"Yea I know, it's just hard"

"What's hard?"

"Being in the house all day. It's becoming quite depressing" I said honestly.

"You're not in the house all day"

"Yes. I. Am.. I'm in the house all day with 3 babies by myself and don't get any me time. Don't forget about the part where I hardly get to spend time with Toni, when I made her a promise. Not to mention the fact that every time I think I may have gotten a second to myself, there's another baby screaming at me because they're hungry! Anything else?" I said walking closer to her.

"Be is here with you..."

"Yes she is, but you know how babies are, they always want their mommy" I said walking into the kitchen.

As you guys can see, Veronica is most of the time defeated when it comes to talking to Cheryl. They've had this conversation so many times and it always ends with Veronica letting Cheryl have a way and deal with it.

She knows that it's hard for Cheryl and that she always makes great points when it comes down to this particular situation. For instance "babies always want their mommy". Usually Veronica can never get the twins to stop crying, but when Cheryl gets them they immediately stop crying. Toni on the other hand she's quiet mostly unless she wants her milk.

Betty on the other hand tries to give Cheryl her only time with the kids and steps in when she feels it's necessary to avoid possibly overwhelming Cheryl. As well all know, Cheryl doesn't like to physically ask for help but she'll show that she needs it.

"Cheryl" Be calls out.


"Toni wants you" She said and I looked at Ve giving her the 'you see what I mean' look.

I hurried upstairs and grabbed Toni taking her into my office with Be walking in moments later.

"What's up?" I asked with a concerned look.

"We broke up.."

"Wha- When?" I asked rocking Toni as she nursed.

"A few days after your gender reveal"

"Why are you just now telling me?"

"I didn't want to believe it at first and I thought with us giving each other some space that we would be okay. But apparently I was wrong and she's moved on"

"Oh Be... I'm so sorry to hear that. I wish there were something I could do"

"Yea i'm sorry too. I wish I never had said yes to her proposal"

"It's okay, you're here with us and just know that Ve and I are here for you" I said with a small smile.

"mommy" Toni says lowly.

"Yes baby?" I said looking at her and she just brushed her face across my chest.

"So that's why you really wanted me, huh?" I say tickling a smiling Toni.

She is the most precious little human and I love her so much.

I adjusted her and she began to eat and while she did that I continued to edit.

"Have the boys been fed yet?" I asked Be and she nodded saying "About an hour ago".

"I'm surprised they're still up. They usually fall asleep after a feed" I say working the screen of my laptop.

"They've been very active today. They're so full of energy I feel like"

"Imagine trying to sleep with them" I said with a small laugh. "Especially Caleb, he loves to be up under me and if he isn't... someone's in trouble" I added.

A few minutes go by and I noticed that Toni unlatched due to her being asleep, so I stopped editing and went to go put her down.

As I laid her down I looked at her and sometimes I wish it were still just me and her. I miss it a lot.

I hate to think/feel like that but I do and I can't help it. Of course I'm super grateful to have Ve and the boys, but once upon a time it was just me and Toni.

Just like the boys need me, Toni does too and I feel so shitty at times when the boys are giving me a hard time and Toni is in a more need for me.

I appreciate Betty being here, especially here lately because I was losing that bond with Toni after having the twins and it hurt when she didn't want to come to me.

After speaking with her and everything, I promised her that I would do better as a mother.

She was neglected once and I'd hate to be the next one to do so. I'd never forgive myself and it would tear me apart inside and out.

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