Chapter 18

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'So, there's someone else who comes and goes that's the same as me?'

You scan the lobby closely.

John nodded, 'yes, she's older than me, one of the elders and her name is Anastasia', you figured the woman's name would be angelic for sure.

'Well, hopefully, she's nice'.

John chuckled, 'she's a polite woman, she would not hurt you, even without The Continental rules, she still wouldn't hurt you'.


He taps your shoulder and you look over to where he's pointing. A tall woman enters the lobby, her hair was tied up in a high ponytail.

'That is Anastasia'.

You feel him push you gently towards the woman's way, 'go on, she's not going to hurt you', you look back at him briefly before approaching her slowly. She notices you anyway and she gives you a wide smile.

'Hello little one, who may you be?'

'Uh... I'm (Y/N)... John sent me'.

'Oh? He did, did he?'

She looks past you and straight at John, 'he must be onto something, how can I help you?'

'I... John said I'm a Vindeca'.

Her smile was gone in seconds and her eyes scanned the lobby before she ushered you over to the fireplace that sat in the corner of the room.

'Are you sure?'

'Yeah, I'm sure, the effects were horrible'.

'So, whoever bit you activated this cure'.

Her eyes rested on John for a few moments, 'oh, oh my, did John bite you?' You feel your face grow hot when the woman realizes.

'You're a very lucky Vindeca'.

She gives you a playful smile which only lasted a few moments, 'you are still able to go outside, and you're also quite powerful'.


'Super-human strength'.

'Say what now? Super-human strength? What the hell am I, Superman?'

Anastasia chuckled, 'I guess, if you look at it that way', she reached out and grabbed your hand, 'you're special, very special (Y/N), but you need to use your powers properly and be careful'.


'I've learnt from past experience that this power is not one to toy with. You need to know how to use them'.

'So... It's not just super-human strengh?'

She shook her head slowly, 'no, you will find out your powers later along the way', you slouch in disappointment, 'god, I hate waiting'.

'I felt the same way'.

'So... Can I come to you for help?'

'Of course you can! I'm here for you every step of the way now as well as John'.

You look back at John and smile, you're safe now, you'll only be happy until this shit with Scurve is over. Anastasia squeezes your hand to grab your attention once again, 'I heard you had a confrontation with Franko Scurve?'

'Yeah but- it was something my parents had done in the past. I didn't do anything!'

'He's the revengeful type'.

'Thanks, that makes me feel good'.

She gave you a knowing look, 'as long as you're here, you will be okay. But you will need to learn-'.

'The powers, yeah, got it... Will I be able to fight him later?'

'Well, I wouldn't want you to fight him'.

'So there's another way to sort things out with him?'

Anastasia shook her head, 'no, it seems like you won't be able to', you lean back in the chair in frusteration.

'Well... This is going to be interesting'.

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