Chapter 35

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The water was almost close to burning hot and you're glad that John was taller than you, his large frame covering you from the scalding heat. You were the type to have hot showers, and so was John but you didn't expect it to be this hot.

'You okay?'

John noticed that you looked rather uncomfortable, 'yeah I'm-'.

'The water's too hot?'

'Just a little'.

He lowers the temperature a little and you sigh in relief as he no longer has to cover you. Though he stays close to you.
You had tended to his arm, he's now just standing there, eyeing you off.

'Hey, stop staring, you're making me feel self-conscious'.

You snap at him, but your voice has no harsh tone to it, instead, it makes him laugh, 'you're going to have to get used to that sweetie'.
You're not used to him calling you that, in fact, as far as you remember he hadn't called you that before.
Your mind then turns to Scurve, 'Winston didn't say whether or not Scurve was still alive', John freezes, 'I'm not so sure what happened to him, the Vindeca's didn't say anything either... Let's just focus on right now, please', you notice how John wants to avoid the conversation and you didn't blame him at all.

'I'm sorry'.

You mumble and John gently pulls you close, 'it's alright, I just- don't want to talk about it right now'.
You let him hold you because that's what he wants right now, no talking for some time.

Once the both of you were done with the shower, you had told John to rest whilst you go down to get some drinks that you had ran out, you also needed some new sheets due to... The previous situation.
When you reached the lobby you found Marcus at the reception desk, '(Y/N)! Winston said you were resting so I didn't want to disturb you, how're you feeling', he wrapped you in his arms in seconds and you returned the hug just as hard.

'Is John okay as well?'

'He's fine, he's just resting. I'm down here to grab some drinks and some new sheets'.

'Winston told me that Scurve is still alive'.

Your heart sank, 'oh shit, that means- John killed Serafina, his sister'.

Marcus shook his head, 'god, that means Scurve's isn't going to be pleased. I just heard the news just then. The two of you need to lay low for sure, because I know he can come in here any moment'.

'I'll be sure to keep an eye out. I just need to get this stuff and get to John, I won't be too long'.

'You know what? You tell me what drinks and I'll get the sheets, Winston told me that you and John needed to lying low, the hotel isn't as safe as you think it is'.

'Jesus, that's reassuring'.

Marcus gave you a knowing look, 'please, allow me'.

'I mean, we just need some gin and wine, nothing in particular, just grab whatever you think would be nice, and yeah, a fresh set of sheets'.

'I'll see you up there'.

'See you soon, thanks Marcus.

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