Chapter 30

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You try to sit up but the pain was unbearable and you yelp. Holding your shoulder tightly in order to stop the bleeding. Scurve smirks at you, 'sit there for as long as you like- fuck, you're bleeding all over my lounge!'
He raises the gun to aim at your head but Serafina stops him once again, 'don't even think about it brother, John is coming'.
She pushes the door open wider and takes a couple of steps back. 

A few moments later you see John walk straight inside, holy shit... Something wasn't right with him. He looked... Different.

'Ah, John Wick, what a pleasant surprise'.

Scurve put away the gun, 'I would give you a hug but I hate you so fucking much'.

'Always so mature'.

John replied.
He stopped in his tracks when he sees you on the louge, nursing your gunshot wound. His eyes don't glow like before, but you could still see that he was angry. Scurve seemed to notice that as well.

'What's wrong John? Your eyes aren't glowing like they used to, have I not pissed you off enough? How about I put a fucking bullet through her head?'


He looked over to Serafina, who's eyes had grown wide as saucers, 'John you're- you're no longer a vampire?'

What the fuck?

Scurve took a step towards John and sniffed the air, 'holy shit', he stared at John in shock, 'you're a fucking human? How the-'.

Oh, god. The cure.

John could bite you, but the only thing that would die in him was the infection that caused his vampirism. He would be a human afterwards.

'Oh, this is fantastic, the most deadliest assassin vampire is now a fucking human!'

He approached John slowly, 'which means I get to kill you a lot quicker than I thought. I was afraid of fighting you, but you're no longer strong. I can kill you!'
He pulls out his gun once more and points it at John. Your heart is racing when reality hits you, 'John, run!' You throw yourself onto your feet in seconds, there's no pain in your shoulder but you don't take too much notice to it. You just want John to be safe.

Movement in the corner of your eye catches you attention and you see Silver rise up on her knees. In her hand was a blade.

'Go to hell you mother fucker!'

She throws the knife straight towards Scurve but he catches it just in time. Even though it was a failed attempt on Silver's side, it gave John enough time to tackle the man.

'John no! He's too powerful!'

The two men fight, but of course Scurve overpowers John, who clearly isn't used to the lack of power he has.

'You think you can beat me now? I'm going to kill you and then everything will be so much better. If I can't get to her parents, then I can get to you!'

John backs away, nursing a bad wound, 'Franko, you can't keep going on like this!' Talking was the only thing that could keep John alive so far.

'Oh what? You're going to make me feel better? You betrayed me, you went with the family who killed mine!'

'You weren't going down the right path. You wanted to kill all the humans on this earth, what your family was doing wasn't right. We had no choice, we did try and talk things out, but nothing had changed!'

Scurve raised his gun, 'Serafina, grab the others, they get to see him die', he sneered at John before looking over at you, 'any last words you want to say to your lover?'

Before you could say anything, the four of your stopped when the sound of an engine could be heard from outside, 'who the fuck is here now?' Scurve questioned.
Serafina was by the door in seconds but before she could open it properly, the door swung open with so much force that it knocked her to the side.

'John, move!' You scream as a massive vehicle came crashing through, what the actual fuck!? You watch the massive vehicle stop in it's tracks.
John had quickly thrown himself to the side. He seemed far from shocked, which told you that he had planned this.

'Who the hell is-'.

'Franko Scurve!'

A voice called out and you see a young man poke his head out, 'it's nice to see you, you asshole!' Scurve snarled up at him, 'Finney!? How fucking dare you, you think showing your face around here will-', Finney pulled out a pistol and fired, catching Scurve off guard. 

Right at that moment you hear the sound of multipe footsteps and you look over to see men and women rushing in. The rest of Scurve's clan.

'Oh shit'.

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