⏯️~♥~ "Nikki-3"~♥~☑️

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🔆 2⃣ 〰️
Shaurya cautiously taps Nikki-3's side with his baton and once he's satisfied that she's a robot, he pulls off a glove.
When Shaurya extends his finger to touch Nikki-3, her programming references the iconic greeting from E.T., and she touches his fingertip with hers.

Shaurya breaks contact and checks his wrist monitor, which displays a very safe blue.

Nikki-3 explains that when fully charged, the battery in her chest lasts for three hours.
She adds that she can touch and smell, among other functions, and encourages Shaurya to make use of her functions.

Shaurya reviews the contract with Ahir, and when the lights dim, Ahir explains that they were unable to secure additional funding and couldn't pay their electric bills. Thus they've been forced to use power from a nearby factory that just went bankrupt.

Shaurya calls Ahir a scammer of the science world, but Ahir replies that Shaurya is a gangster in finances.


When Shaurya asks if there's anything else he should know about Nikki-3, Ahir asks Nikki-3 to identify his emotion as he scowls.
When she identifies anger, Ahir explains that Nikki-3 can read facial expressions and interpret emotions.

Ahir explains that Nikki-3 needs a month of intense learning to adjust to a person.
Shaurya wants her sent to his house the next day so that he can check her skills for himself before he decides on additional funding.

The CEO of SS Financial, Yash, is greeted warmly as he begins a meeting and asks how the contract finalization is going.
Yash encourages his team to hit a home run this time, and earns a round of applause.

From his car, Shaurya calls one of his subordinates, a team manager at SS Financial, to let him know that he's on his way to enter in the meeting.
The team manager notifies security and a red alert sets off a flurry of activity as the parking garage is emptied, along with the lobby and hallways, ensuring that no one is in sight when Shaurya pulls in.

He doesn't encounter a single soul until one unfortunate man wanders out of a bathroom wearing earbuds, who quickly turns tail.

Shaurya joins the meeting room and asks them to continue.
Everyone's mood grows noticeably tenser to have the big boss join them so suddenly.
They wrap up the meeting regarding the sale of Devender Shipbuilding.

But then, Shaurya raises his hand to ask, "What does Devender Shipbuilding's team research?"
CEO Yash clenches his jaw in dismay while his employee replies that they research shipbuilding technology.

That, of course, is a far cry from Ahir's introductory video for Nikki-3.
Then Shaurya asks about Divya Jyot Team's results, and the employee replies that there have been no results so far.
Thinking of Nikki-3, Shaurya says pointedly that the employee will have to take responsibility for those words.

In the company lobby, Shaurya's subordinate, Team Manager Bhalla(another man), is approached by the head of the Social Contribution Team, who introduces himself as the brain of the company for the past twenty years.
Team Manager Bhalla has only been at the company a month as part of the research department, and the older man sympathizes that Bhalla must have it rough working under Shaurya. He offers to help Team Manager Bhalla switch loyalties, explaining that the two top men in the company are friends and rivals, CEO Yash and Chairman Shaurya.

Alone in the conference room, Yash reminds Shaurya that Devender Shipbuilding is his responsibility.
Shaurya points out that he's the chairman of the board of directors because he's responsible for seventy percent of the company's profits.
Yash asks Shaurya if there's something else he wants to say.
Shaurya says perhaps later, suggesting that they maintain the status quo till then.

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