🐃🐂EPISODE 22: "Lakshdeep Island"🐅🐆

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A slight rewind shows that Anokhi tried to call Ahir before she approached Shaurya, but she couldn't reach him. Once the hackers were evaded, Ahir saw Anokhi's texts, but since her phone was left in her apron pocket, she didn't notice when he called back.

Ahir confirmed the team's worst fears and announced that Anokhi and Shaurya were together.
Ahir immediately called Dr. Rao, who panicked when he learned that Anokhi couldn't be reached. Dr. Rao asked Ahir to deliver a message, "Tell her to keep it a secret no matter what... Tell her not to say or do anything that could remind him of Nikki-3."

Shaurya carefully explains to Anokhi that he recently lost a friend and she reminds him of her. He confides, "Sometimes, absurd things happen in this world. Things people can't believe unless they actually experience them. That friend and I experienced that miraculous moment together." Anokhi does her best to remain aloof and suggests that Shaurya needs to be seen at a hospital.

As she walks away, he calls out that he used to tell his friend, "Hi, Nikki-3." Anokhi stops and struggles with what to do before she turns around to ask if Shaurya knows Ahir.
Anokhi admits that she was the character model for Nikki-3 but Shaurya confesses that he already knew.

Anokhi doesn't understand why he's not bothered that she's uncomfortable. She's shocked when Shaurya asks if he can just look at her with the promise that he'll leave when he's done. Anokhi stammers at his suggestion while Shaurya gazes at her and muses, "It's just so fascinating." Anokhi orders Shaurya to stand up and physically pushes him out the door.

When she calls him a stalker, Shaurya points to the sign out front and asks for a room. Anokhi lies that they're full and shuts the door, leaving Shaurya out in the cold.

When Ahir prepares to leave for Lakshdeep Island, Pi insists that she has to accompany him. He warns Anmol and Bunty not to get hacked again, while they wonder why Pi had to tag along. Outside, Pi reminds Ahir that he hasn't slept much and she's worried that he'll fall asleep on the road. She stubbornly insists that if he won't allow her to accompany him, he can't go.

Once they're on the road, Ahir calls Reema to find out exactly where to find Anokhi.

A concerned Dr. Rao tries to call Shaurya, but his phone was left behind in the restaurant.

Ahir and Pi pass the time like two geniuses, with an analysis about Anokhi's chances at successfully maintaining her cover. Pi reasons that Shaurya's cluelessness improves Anokhi's success rate, but Ahir lowers it due to her unpredictable nature and they bicker over who will affect the final outcome the most.

Anokhi peers outside, satisfied that there's no sign of Shaurya. She gets a call from Reema, and learns that Ahir is on his way. Anokhi next speaks with Ahir, who passes on Dr. Rao's warning not to do anything that will remind Shaurya of Nikki-3.

Ahir suggests that Anokhi should lock herself in a room until he arrives and he's still on the phone when Shaurya suddenly reappears. Startled, Anokhi reacts exactly the way that she did the first time that she posed as Nikki-3, and Ahir groans over her lapse.
Ahir pulls over to collect himself while Shaurya tells Anokhi that Nikki-3 reacted that way the second time that they met. When she asks why he came back, Shaurya points to his things and adds that he still has to eat dinner.

Anokhi calls Ahir, who suggests that she can just be herself since the robot was patterned after her, but to guard against any more behavior that Shaurya will associate with Nikki-3.

Reema delivers coffee and bread to the barn for Anmol and Bunty. While they discuss Anokhi's dilemma, Reema happily takes a coffee offered by Anmol but turns down bread from Bunty, because she's on a diet. When she spills some coffee, Anmol wipes her hand and she grabs him to ask, "Am I all you see?"
Anmol freezes and Bunty breaks their grasp while he confesses, "I always see you." Reema matter-of factly responds, "I know, yes, thank you," and Bunty gulps down his coffee as if he wishes it was something stronger.

Anokhi brings water to Shaurya just as Grandma asks her to drive the cart to a communal warehouse for another family's use.
Shaurya asks Grandma if she has a room and she tells him, "Yes, many," while Anokhi answers, "No." Shaurya smiles in satisfaction as Grandma urges Anokhi to take him to his room. Anokhi shows Shaurya to a simple room and when he inquires about coffee, she tells him about a vending machine in front of the restaurant. Shaurya has no change, so Anokhi hands him some coins and tells him "It's on me."

Once Anokhi leaves,Shaurya gets a call from Ahir and learns that his little detour isn't a secret. Ahir tells him that Nikki-3's model called to complain about Shaurya's behavior. Shaurya shares how taken he was by the model and admits that by the time he came to his senses, he had followed her to the island. Ahir emphasizes how disturbing his behavior must be, but Shaurya explains that he told the truth about his interest.

Ahir informs him that he's on the way to the island and warns Shaurya to leave her alone until he gets there. Once they hang up,Shaurya notices the missed calls from Dr. Rao and calls him back. Dr. Rao double checks that Shaurya still has his medication and syringes, but Shaurya pretends that he doesn't. When Dr. Rao sounds alarmed, Shaurya assures his doctor that he has everything that he needs.

Shaurya makes one more call, this time to Raja, and confides that he met someone who looks like Nikki-3, "Her name is Rani." When Raja nervously repeats the name, his wife assumes that he's talking about her.
Raja confirms that his research into Divya Jyot included the fact that Nikki-3 was based on a real person, which is all that Shaurya needs to hear. The real Rani asks her husband why her name suddenly came up.

When Pi notices that Ahir is drowsy, she has him stop at a convenience store. While she's gone, a friend sends a text to ask why she turned down a desirable teaching position and Ahir reads it. Pi returns with a ginseng drink and tells Ahir to drink it right away. He obliges and gags, but Pi won't let him drive any further until he finishes it.

The hackers successfully copy the mystery folder "shit" and get to work on hacking the password while Anmol and Reema are preoccupied with Reema, oblivious to the warnings on their computer.
Ahir can't believe it when the van breaks down but Pi admits she's surprised it lasted as long as it did.

Shaurya stands in front of the vending machine, unsure what to select until Grandma chooses for him. Anokhi leaves to drop off the cart and when Grandma asks Shaurya to accompany her, he jumps at the chance.

(I see that matchmaker gleam your eyes, Grandma.)

Outnumbered, Anokhi is forced to take Shaurya with her. While Anokhi drives, she and Shaurya both remember when he decided to drive Nikki-3 to his mansion every morning to conserve her battery. Anokhi had cutely asked if it was because she was his treasure, which Shaurya crossly denied.

They both laugh at the same memory but when Shaurya asks what prompted her, Anokhi ignores him to focus on her driving. Shaurya thinks she should be grateful for his company, even though she didn't invite him. They bicker, which causes Shaurya to comment that he can see how she and Nikki-3 are different. When Shaurya starts to talk about Nikki-3 again, Anokhi suddenly jerks the cart and explains that she's a terrible driver.

(Ha! She's jealous of herself.)

Once they pull into the warehouse, Anokhi realizes that she doesn't have her phone. She needs a flashlight and uses Shaurya's phone, even though it's almost dead. While she rummages for something, the boat captain shuts the door and locks Shaurya and Anokhi inside, unable to hear her cries because of his earmuffs.

Anokhi can't believe her predicament and thinks to herself, "My gosh, did I seriously get locked up in this storage room with him?" Shaurya jumps in surprise when Anokhi turns suddenly to face him.

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