Chapter six: Lizzie

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"Should I pick the kids up in the car and bring them back here?" I asked. "Saves us both having to go."

"Sounds like a plan." Archer agreed.

"I'll swing by the shops on the way home and pick up the ingredients for pancakes." I said, grabbing my keys. "Do we have flour?"

"Yeah." He confirmed, looking in the cupboard. "Are they savoury or sweet?"

"I hadn't thought about it. I'll buy the toppings for both and then the kids can choose." I said. "See you soon."

"I'll be waiting."

I drove to school where Luke and Liam were waiting in the playground.

"Hey boys, have you had a good day?" I asked as they bombarded me with cuddles.

The pair started talking a mile a minute about their day and I listened with a smile before holding up a hand.

"I can't wait to hear more but we need to pick up Archer's girls too. Where's Lucy?"

I scanned the playground for little Lucy and saw her standing by a teacher.

"Come on boys." I said.

I went to talk to the teacher whilst Lucy took my hand and then we made our way onto the year six playground to pick up the other two.

Grace and Sophie ran over to their sister and gave her a hug before hugging the twins.

"Are we coming back to your house?" Grace asked.

"Where's Daddy?" Sophie continued.

"Daddy's at my house. We were thinking about making pancakes for dinner, would you like some?"

"Yes please." The girls chorused.

"Ok. Come on then."

I helped them into the car, wishing I had a booster seat for Lucy.

"Can we play in the garden?" Liam asked as he jumped up and down, yanking on my arm.

"Ow, you're hurting Mummy." I yelped, picking him up and strapping him in the car. "Sure we can. You can play in the garden in a bit. I just need to go to the shops first."

"What are we having for dinner?" He asked.

"Pancakes." I repeated. "So I'm going to get some ingredients. What toppings would you like?"

"Fruit please."

"Bacon please."

The twins spoke at the same time and I turned to the girls to halt their imminent squabbling.

"What about you, girls? Do you want any toppings?"

"Can we have whipped cream?" Lucy asked.

"Of course we can." I said. "We've also got syrup. Or ham and cheese if you want a savoury pancake."

Lucy pulled a face at that and I laughed.

"Ok, sweet pancakes it is." I chuckled. "Right, is everyone strapped in?"

The kids nodded and I drove to the shops.

"I will be two minutes. Sophie's in charge and I don't want there to be any arguing." I said, looking at my boys.

"Ok Mummy." They said in their sweetest voices.

I disappeared into the shops, locking the car doors and bought the ingredients in a hurry before heading back to the kids.

"WE DON'T TALK ABOUT BRUNO NO NO NO." The kids were singing and I grinned at Sophie as I put the ingredients in the boot.

"Right let's go home." I said, talking above the loud singing.

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