Chapter thirteen: Charlie

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I stared at her number, trying to work out what I had just done. This woman made me do things I thought I would never do again. When was the last time I had asked a woman out? 


I looked up at my daughter who sat next to me. 

"Hola, cariño." I smiled.

"Can I have Anna's number?" 

Anna was a colleague of mine. The kids had met her a few times and loved her.

"Sure, what for?" I asked. 

"I want to talk to a girl about...this." She said. 

I nodded and handed her my phone so she could find the number and she wrote it down before smiling at me. 

"Thank you, Papá." She whispered, walking back to her room.


She turned back around, and my throat went dry, the words I wanted to say died on my lips. 

"Never mind." I murmured. 

"Are you ok, Papá?" She asked. 

"I'm fine, cariño. I'm just working some things out." I said. "It's nothing to worry about." 

She hesitated before nodding and continuing her way. 

I needed to talk to them about this. Besides, I needed to ask Maddie if she would mind watching Leo for a couple of hours. But not now. No. Not now.

Later, once I had gotten used to the idea.


I put Maddie's first birthday video on. Wanting to hear her voice.

"Happy birthday to you!" She said, placing the cake in front of Maddie.

An unlit candle rested on the top of the cake and Maddie threw the candle away.

"See, I told you we didn't need a candle." I said from behind the camera.

"Shush you, let me celebrate my daughter's birthday in peace." Jasmine said, turning to smile at me, whilst Maddie started to pick at the chocolate icing.

Maddie giggled as she looked at Jasmine.

"Isn't that right, cariño? Papá needs to let Mamá celebrate my bebita's birthday." She smiled.

Jasmine kissed her on the head whilst she giggled, and cut the cake carefully, handing me a slice.

I sat the camera down and gave Jasmine a kiss that tasted of frosting whilst Maddie picked at the chocolate buttons on top of the cake.

"Mmm." She gave us a gummy smile, her mouth covered in frosting and we laughed.

"Is that nice, birthday girl?" Jasmine said, squatting next to our daughter and kissing her forehead.

"Don't let her eat all that cake or she'll be sick." I told her.

"Don't worry. She's going to give me some, aren't you, cariño?" She said, whispering to her daughter.

Maddie laughed and pushed some cake towards Jasmine who pretended to bite her hand playfully to make Maddie giggle.

"Papá!" Leo climbed into my lap and I gave him a cuddle whilst I continued to watch Jasmine dancing with our daughter.

"Mamá looks so pretty." Leo said.

I smiled. "She does, doesn't she?"

"Where am I?"

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