Chapter twenty-eight: Lizzie

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I couldn't stop smiling. I had been on a high all weekend, thinking about Charlie and the warm feeling I had inside.

"You seem so different." Josh said, as he dropped the boys off.

"Really?" I asked, smiling.

He nodded. "Love can do that to a girl."

Tessa smiled at me. "How was your weekend?"

"It was amazing, thank you."

"Do you think you have time to grab a quick coffee?" She asked. "I'd love to have a chat and get to know you better."

I paused and looked at Josh.

"I'll keep an eye on the twins." He smiled. "You two go out and have fun."

"Ok. I'd love to. Let me just say goodbye to the boys." I said, turning to grab my purse.

"I'm going to go out for a while with Tessa. Will you be ok with Daddy for a little while?" I asked.

They nodded. Of course they would. Those boys loved their daddy.

I kissed their cheeks and Tess kissed Josh's cheek.

"We'll be back later." She said.

We left into the afternoon sunshine and she smiled at me.

"So how did you and Josh get together?" I asked.

"I've been going to that gym for a year and Josh is always so willing to help out. Unlike some men in there who seem unsettled by a woman in their sanctuary." She rolled her eyes and I smiled. I already loved her. "It took him a while to ask me out, I guess because he was worried about what you or the boys might think."

"He never needs to worry about that." I assured.

"Oh, I know. He's never had a bad word to say about you. He adores you and the kids. I think he was more anxious that I wouldn't like you or the boys." She shook her head. "I don't know why he was so worried."

I grinned. "That man is a mystery sometimes."

"Tell me about it."

We shared a smile.

"Josh has told me so much about your sons. They seem like really nice children, I hope they'll grow to like me." She said, and when she bit her lip, I realised she wasn't nearly as confident as she seemed.

I reached out and took her hand. "Josh wouldn't let you near them if he didn't think the kids would approve." I reassured. "I can have a conversation with the boys if you like, to reassure them about you. And encourage them to get to know you better."

"You would do that?" She asked.

"Of course." I smiled. "I'll always put the kids first. I want them to be happy. And I want you to feel part of the family. Because you are. If you want to be."

She smiled and in that instant, I realised why Josh had fallen for her.

"Thank you."


We got back home and Josh looked up from the book he was reading with the boys. It was already nearing tea time.

"Do you want to stay for dinner?" I asked.

Tess and Josh looked at each other and Tess smiled.

"We have dinner plans this evening." Josh said. "But another time maybe. I think we'd like that very much."

"Ok, I'll call to arrange a date." I said, as the boys hugged them goodbye. "See you next week." 

I closed the door behind them and smiled at the boys as they raced upstairs and catapulted onto my bed. I tumbled into bed with my boys, snuggling them close as they giggled and spoke to one another in twin speak as I thought about Tessa and Josh and how I hoped they would work out. 

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