R&K: Meeting Myra

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Alpha Elias had found his mate and she was the most beautiful girl Ryan had ever seen. She was like a delicate flower, her feet covered in blood, her eyes wide as she looked at Elias as if he was going to harm her.

Ryan was going to be her best friend. He knew it, even pretending to fall into Kyle and Brian's arms had made her smile and it had been enough for him to think about being straight for a day or two.

Pack meeting. Zac, the Beta, sent the order through the pack link and Ryan looked up from the couch he was sitting on surrounded by the boys as people started walking into the room. He instantly got up, letting Aunt Mary sit down in his spot who smiled up at him, patting the arm of the couch for him which he sat down at.

It had been weeks, roughly a month or two, or three if he was counting properly, when he had kissed Kyle. He had forgotten about it, not wanting the awkwardness to settle in plus nobody else seemed to have known they were mates. He flirted with everyone but there was a massive big cock size part of him that felt happy to know Bella was not Kyle's girlfriend. They had called it quits a day after his birthday which had been his best gift ever.

Alpha Elias walked into the room, looking slightly dazed and Ryan grinned to himself. The alpha was going to be whipped with his mate. He stood in front of the people. Ryan felt a stare on his face and he looked to the side, just as Kyle looked away.

"......No violence-" Ryan heard the words of half a sentence. "Just be nice. Welcome her in because I need her to like me-" Elias sighed, running his hands through his hair. "She's heard a lot of bullshit about me, alright so I need you all to prove that I'm not like that."

"You'll be fine, boy." Aunt Mary leaned back against the couch. "Just let her be. Don't growl at her." It seemed to be something every elder said about growling because he remembered his own Mom's advice about not growling.

"No fights, no violence, no blood. Nothing that's going to scare her because I will rip you all to shreds, okay?" Elias warned them all.

"Like a paper shredder?" Ryan blurted out.

Immediately people started chuckling. Elias rolled his eyes as Aunt Mary patted his leg, a laughter following her as she got up. Everyone listened to Elias' orders about spreading the news around to the others and slowly everyone started leaving the room.

"I should go tell mama." Ryan yawned, stretching his arms out as he stood up. "I'll see you fuckers, later?"

The boys followed him out of the pack house, all of them heading in the same path. "Well you two are mates so she's off limits to flirt with for you two-" Josh spoke, shrugging his shoulders and looking at Ryan and then Kyle. "Oh fuck off, we're not idiots." He chuckled as the others did.

Ryan stopped walking as did the others. "What?"

"He thinks we're stupid." Brian chuckled at Andy and Josh. "Just fucking yesterday, man. Kyle kept staring at you through the whole fucking movie-"

"And then when he looked away-" Josh started laughing as if it was the funniest thing ever as Ryan crossed his arms, looking at them as if they were high as fuck. "You kept looking at him." He pointed at Ryan.

"Point that finger and I'll bite it." Ryan smiled tightly at them as Kyle growled at them.

"What confuses me though is-" Brian took a few steps backwards. "You turned 18 first-" He looked at Kyle. "Didn't you feel the mate bond?"

Ryan looked at Kyle. He had been stupid not to ask. When Kyle had turned 18, he had gone out with Bella but come back earlier saying he wasn't really feeling it. Ryan had asked if anyone was his mate in the pack and his answer had been simple. I feel like it's here but I don't know who.

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