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-author pov-

While Mrs. Park was washing the dishes, both of the males had decided to use this chance to take a quick shower.

After they all finished showering they got comfortable on the couch and Sunghoon chose a movie to watch.

Mrs. Park had bought out a few blankets just in case they fell asleep or just wanted to be under the blanket while watching the movie.

The movie had started and Sunghoon placed a blanket over him and Jake.

After a while Jake fell asleep on Sunghoon's shoulder and Mrs. Park took a quick picture.

"Mom why-," Before Sunghoon could finish his sentence Mrs. Park shushes him.

"Shhh don't wake Jakey up," She said pointing at Jake.

"Mom you do know that his name is actually Jake right?" Sunghoon whispered to his mom.

"Oh well Jakey sounds cute," She said "anyways I'm gonna go to bed now goodnight,"

Mrs. Park walked up to her room and Sunghoon carried Jake bridal style into his room and slowly placed him on his bed so that he wouldn't wake him up.

Sunghoon then gently climbed in bed and wrapped his arms around Jake's waist, spooning him.

-the next morning-

Jake had woken up first and at first he was confused because he had remembered falling asleep on the couch last night.

After a few seconds Sunghoon also woke up.

"Good morning babe," Sunghoon said in his deep raspy morning voice while hugging Jake even more tightly to prevent him from getting up which sent shivers down Jake's spine.

"Look at you two being all cute," Mrs. Park suddenly said, which scared the shit out of both of the males.

"MOM WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" Sunghoon asked quickly, taking his hands off Jake and sprung up.

"Awww why did you stop cuddling Jake," Mrs. Park said while pouting a little.

"Mom please-," Sunghoon said mentally face palming at his mom, "Next time please knock,"

"Okay well breakfast is ready whenever you two are," Mrs. Park said as she closed the door and walked away.

Both males started getting ready and went downstairs.

"OMG PANCAKES," Jake exclaimed excitedly as he sat down.

"THANK YOU MRS. PARK," Jake thanked Mrs. Park and started chomping away.

Sunghoon quickly joined Jake and started eating his pancake.

"So what are you two planning to do today?" Mrs. Park asked.

"Hmm, I was thinking about ice skating with my friends," Sunghoon said.

"Sure, I will send them a text message," Jake said as he finished his pancakes.

"YOU BETTER NOT LAUGH AT ME AGAIN," Jake said as he took out his phone to text the guys.

All of them were free and so Sunghoon sent them the location for everyone to meet up there.

-one car ride later-

"Oh my god I didn't know you had a private ice rink" Sunoo said while admiring the place.

"Have you guys ice skated before?" Sunghoon said while looking at them.

"I've gone ice skating before once" Heeseung says as he points at himself.

Met at the ice rink || JakehoonWhere stories live. Discover now